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BlueBerrie's feed

It pisses me off how he doesn’t even recognize what he did to her. Ciel completely isolated her from her friends in Korea and is very controlling despite never reciprocating any feelings towards Irene. Like if he was neglecting her to protect her or whatever shouldn't he feel guilty or something? He really does feel like a crazy ex. He’s just a pervert who’s having guiding withdrawals. Not to mention how he also neglected his little brother but when he noticed he was useful as a mental esper is when he talks to him. He has yet to apologize to his little brother. The brother gains trauma from everyone turning his back on him, this would include Ciel, so he deserves at the very least an apology. Ciel also shows he is able to throw him away quickly when he realizes he’s close to Irene. He also manipulates her whole family which I hated because if the mom stayed on bad terms with him it would feel more satisfying. Although, I know in the end they’re going to get back together. I’m curious to see how the author can twist this to where she falls for him again because his actions are just irredeemable. I hope the author recognizes how flawed of a character he is rather than excusing his actions because he had a terrible backstory.

And for all the people saying the bullshit excuse of it was their circumstances. That doesn’t excuse the way he socially isolated her but gave her no attention and neglected his little brother. He should still be accountable for his actions even because of circumstance.