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Joubim November 14, 2023 4:46 am

Multiple points here.
First off:

- too much sex. I know, it's THAT kind of manga but I had hopes. It's the way it's always the same and is so repetitive that if you've seen it once you've seen it 100 times. The only time it was different was the first time because it was BAD SEX.


- Why is it bad, you say? Because he raped her that's why. There's not even the usual "but her body liked it" trope. It doesn't make things better but the guy forced himself on her, hurt her, did it again and again and was BAD at it. Then he proceeded to do it until he got better at it and we see the reimergence of the "I don't want it but my body does" trope.


- She falls in love? Really? What about him is worthy of such an emotion. The guy raped you, has no idea how to show any emotion whatsoever. Before that, he forced you into an unwanted marriage. And so fast too! Like two chapters in, she's feeling things because slot A entered slot B? And how did she notice? By fending off unwanted attention from this guy's "friend" whom we never see again the other 12 chapters.


The marriage is an epic failure in which she gets a glass of water thrown at her by his jilted lover but actually she's barely an acquaintance. Then how did she end up in the wedding and why are you spraying the wife???? So instead of defending her, he stands around uselessly even though he's the cause. The FL then sprays water on him for...uh I don't know why, basically for putting her in that situation maybe? And then he dumps two bottles of water(I hope) on top of her telling her he always pays back twice. Wooohoo

Fifth :

You know how I said the friend never reappears? The author does this all the time with barely developped ideas, rouge sketches thrown here and there with no real meaning and no purpose. She sees her family maybe once, his family comes and we Learn he has mommy issues and a stepmom but that's barely adressed (where is his mom? Dead? Divorced? Why did she treat him this way? We don't know). The little sister is hostile to her for no reason and for no reason turns tsundere at the end of the visit of the parents "who won't come back for a while" for "business".
Excuse me, what? Thing is they had absolutely no impact whatsoever, none, neither as antagonists or helpers.Just feels like the author will try out EVERY TROPE and see which one sticks. There's the pianist who sees his late wife in her (we see him for two episodes and then poof he disappears), there's the "I forgot my money so let me work here" trope even though their food and board was already paid for by mysterious pianoman. So free labour even though you're an upper class lady with a high ranked husband who's working non stop. So on vacation, when you don't HAVE TO, you make him work as a servant in a hôtel. Cool, cool, cool....and then the next Day, she finds her money again. Pffffffff, real life consequences? Whyyyy?

And to finish:

The Last chapters are the most annoying with a young lady visibly coming onto him with the help of her father. Here the inconsistencies are EVERYWHERE!!!!!
Not to mention the extraordinary chance encounters. So the husband meets russian daughter of military chief A and she falls for his looks basically. She's swooning and the dad wants to make it happen even though he himself forced our male character to marry in order to get that sweet promotion. (Why didn't you just introduce him your daughter then if you liked him so much that you would interfere in a MARRIAGE?)

SAME TIME, he is supposed to be deployed to Russia and wifey decides to learn russian to stay with him. Who's the russian teacher? Take a guess. Russian daughter A of course. They become friends and they confide in each other and wifey tells her to go for it not knowing who the man she wanted was blablabla.
When A learns that he's married and to her "dear friend" (like she really didn't know shit about him if she didn't know he was married, he wasn't trying to hide it AT ALL and EVERYONE RANDOM MOB knew he was married) she gets mad at...wifey????!!!! My laaady, you're the homewrecker here!!!!! Just kindly forget about it all and apologize on your knees. (Of course this didn't happen huh).

Well after loooots of drama, looots of A trying to do inappropriate things to him ( and man, where did your spunk go ML? Weren't you supposed to give back twice? Instead, he gently tells her no even when she attacks him frontally and physically. Keep in mind, the FL had accused him of being an enemy to women because he was so blunt in rejecting a love confession when they first met that he was making the lady sob.), we have the father/chief have a talk with FL and tell her to divorce her husband cause his daughter is so much better and shit. "She's from à good family and speaks russian" is basically all the justification.
FL is also from a good family or she wouldn't have had to marry the guy from the start! The inconsistencies are...blatant. Also, after she relents and leaves home ( comment that is just plain stupid especially after having so much sex and no birth control, potentially pregnant. The hell are you doing lady?) WITHOUT A WORD TO HER HUSBAND BY THE WAY, she catches a thief ( I'm telling you trope sandwich) and tries to throw her ring in the water (clichés over clichés) in the port her husband should have left from to Russia (and surprise?) He didn't leave, wasn't even mad at her and proceeds to throw away his whole career by resigning. At which point he is offered a promotion which will let him stay in headquarters and not leave to Russia.

First of all, he came BEGGING not to go to Russia and accepted DEMOTION and you said NO. Now, you're rewarding insubordination??? I feel like the author was too lazy to research anything about Russia apart from the Borscht and didn't want him leaving (trope abandonnent issues really). Second, the FL gave divorce papers to the chief as though he were an authority in marriages. He is not, he's a military commander and how could à divorce be pronounced in less than two weeks especially since the ML didn't sign shit? Obviously wouldn't ever work.

Indeed this had no good points.

Joubim October 18, 2023 12:45 am

I read many comments saying that the heroine is mean to the 8th prince Rutger or that they don't understand her animosity.

Let's remember together that she had been mistreated in his house by his staff, to his total indifference. She was ignored by him and he didn't say a word of affection or kindness, more like he didn't speak to her even when she wanted to interact with him. He then went to war, leaving her pregnant and unprotected and she was sent to the dungeons as a traitor seemingly on his orders. There, she was tortured and after knowing he came back victorious, she begged to be released. Her sister who hates her and has tormented her her whole life gleefully expresses that she will be killed with her child and it has been arranged by her husband because he wants to marry her, the sister.
She was about to be killed in truth when Rutger came back looking all distraught.

As readers, we can say that it's most probably all a misunderstanding (although, really, most of that is easily avoidable and should have been avoided) BUT she doesn't know that. She thinks he betrayed her. Also, her love for him probably withered a long time ago in the face of his utter coldness.So she has reason to hate him.

As for the present child Rutger, he is extremely shrewd and sly (though inexperienced) and he engineered many of their encounters. She makes it clear that she dislikes him and she has a right to her opinion. She never abuses him in any way, just makes clear that he is not her favorite person to which he responds by clinging to her and following her around. He even follows her to her house where she finally feels safe and harasses her. Keep in mind, they haven't ever been properly introduced and we don't know why Rutger likes her in the first place. The first time we see him, he's spying on her from afar, already into her and we don't know why.

    nis October 31, 2023 6:15 am

    That child is like 10

Joubim October 16, 2023 11:41 pm

I have no problems reading something cliché but here, the pacing is all wrong and the story just isn't working.
First off, we know it's a novel but we don't know any more than that. How does she know she's been reincarnated right away? How does she recognize who and what she is as a baby who had no place in the book and died in infancy?
The jumpskips are also completely useless and show case nothing. We see her being diagnosed ad weaker and smaller than average and the ML is said to look 4 years old (instead of the 1 or 2 they both are) but they look the same. The artist is not capable of creating proportions and the children just look like strange adults.
The story skips and jumps and nothing can be understood.

Also is saying the word "daddy" enough for a cold man to want to adopt you? Not to mention, a literal newborn is talking? Yeah no.
Also, everytime the father sees her, we see a superimposed picture of his late wife and daughter. It's just creepy, I first thought he saw her as an adult like his wife but then finally understood he sens her as a replacement daughter/ weak person to protect which is...not good. All in all, quite crinière.

Joubim September 11, 2023 11:25 am

I understand why he fell for her, her character is charming but why exactly did she fall for him? There is nothing right with this. The guy raped her pure and simple and continued ro do it even when she told him "no" in no uncertain terms. Why does she love him by the end of it?

    Spencer_ March 28, 2024 5:34 am

    Exactly!!!! Just cuz they got together in end doesn't change what he did in the beginning. Did she loose her memory or something?

Joubim September 11, 2023 12:27 am

The story was all over the place and nothing was explained. Why is the ML in love with the FL? Why wouldn't he have sex with her? How and when is he a stalker exactly? I swear, there was one episode she entered a special room with lots of photos of her, she was creeped out and nothing, no consequences. Did the author forget? Why was the father trying to stir shit? When did he disappear? Why was there a flower pot falling on top of them? I swear this story made no sense whatsoever.
In the beginning, FL was supposed to love the ML because he stuck to her through thick and thin as childhood friend and 5 episodes later, you find out he "saved" her from rape in high school and they barely knew one another?? No mention was made before or after of the event, should have been traumatic enough.
What kind of trauma did the ML have with his mom, why did she leave with only a phone number, why did she become strange? Pfff that was kinda useless

    serenity_bee April 25, 2024 3:01 am

    Lol. This story was so all over the place. I dropped it at ch4...

Joubim September 4, 2023 1:08 am

I love how relatable the so called middle school delusions are. I mean, that's pretty embarrassing but most of us have done it one way or another. When i was like 12, we had to write as a group à fairytale. It was like a graduation thing and for some reason, it ended up being pages and pages long and never ended with adventures including underwear eating ants. Cringe and fun once you reread it.
That's the part I love about it, how she just acknowledges her dark past, makes her extremely relatable.

Now onto the part that I like less... the rest of the story. It feels like pure unadulterated pain porn. I understand the mechanisms of it, i acknowledge the necessity of it for the story to make sense but it is painful for a character to be told constantly by everyone around her how ugly, unaccomplished, mean she is compared to her sister. From childhood too. Especially since, if that were truly the case, à villainess would have cut the tongues of staff who belittled her. They literally work for her. How can that be allowed to happen? I totally understand that the perception of the people around her could not change in 2 chapters. But it's been 32 chapters of the heroine being mistreated and left for Last. I mean, if she weren't à villainess by that point, i think she'd have more in common with a Saint that anything else.
The way the story progresser, she has saved her sister a dozen times, other people, à whole village even . Nobody else was ever punished for anything and she faces death every chapter. What has the sister done to be called a saint? Saved the butler in her youth. Cool. Our heroine saved Yomi. What seperates them exactly? Her "sins" if you can call them that are of coveting à Nice, handsome guy she was courting first. Doesn't deserve death.

Scenaristically makes sense but realistically it doesn't. It really is painful to read for my heart.

Joubim August 13, 2023 4:54 pm

So she saves him from death TWICE without asking for anything in return and not involving herself with him whatsoever and the dude just accuses her out of nowhere.
Sure, he doesn't know she was the one who saved him the first time (though he should have been able to notice seeing as EVERYONE including the king knows) but she still saved his bacon (and everyone else's) the second time, has already put protocols in place to save people, including for the knights (so he should know). Why the hell is he suspicions of her. She was literally always nice to everyone and shows her great affection to his brother.

    hansol August 18, 2023 10:02 pm

    He’s an idiot and will always be one…. ( ̄へ ̄)

    Blue August 21, 2023 8:21 pm

    Unless theres something more to it and he is up to something, i have to say that its just ridiculous

    Misssweets16 September 25, 2023 3:11 pm

    All face no brains

Joubim April 4, 2021 11:01 pm

At this point, the woman is daft. She's been lobbying so hard to get him to call her by name and when he does, it makes no difference to her? Even though it's clear to everyone he cares about her? So much so that he allowed himself to be hurt to help her. Gosh.
What ever does she want?
It feels like she's just doing it on purpose

Joubim March 19, 2021 11:40 am

I value intelligence, so between psychopath 1 and 2, let's just say, one is stupid and the other one is trying to gain power and can't be blamed for it. That's kinda the world sh's in, so we may hate her but we can't despise her like the stupid idiot spoiled son.

Joubim March 17, 2021 2:46 pm

I swear all these ML characters are always so dysfunctional, like most of them lacks any basic emotion or social skills. Crazy that we think it's cool when they open up and the only thing I can think is that in real life, they would be effing sociopaths.

I'm not saying he's no good, just that... Could we maybe have a normal dude emotionally? Why are they all so stunted and feeling nothing that's definitely strange

    LatteGratte March 17, 2021 2:54 pm

    You are misusing that term.

    PochiMochi26 March 17, 2021 2:55 pm

    As a writer, we need to have a foundation for each characters “dysfunctions”. In other words they werent born to be this fucked up, they were turned into one. What I mean is that so more readers can relate/understand the character, we can either hate or love them. The more dysfunctional the villain is the more we hate them, and the more dysfunctional the ML the more we “pity”(Pity is not the word im looking for but its synonymous to it) the character.

    LatteGratte March 17, 2021 3:03 pm

    He does not display any symptoms of antisocial personality disorder. He can obviously tell right from wrong, he’s not manipulative, he does not lie for his own benefit, he does not act impulsively, he is not arrogant, he doesn’t lack empathy, he can obviously show guilt and remorse, seeing as he helped Cayena when dealing with that other creep. Sure, he may have have a slightly awkward, cold, personality, but that does not mean he is a sociopath. He is not. He suffers from trauma, so he naturally doesn’t like people touching him very much.
    Lacking basic emotional or social skills does not make him a sociopath, or people like him a sociopath, the only thing it’d make them is a little awkward.

    LatteGratte March 17, 2021 3:04 pm

    Raphael is a normal person. He just has a cold personality. That is it. He is not a sociopath. Don’t throw that term around.

    LatteGratte March 17, 2021 3:11 pm
    As a writer, we need to have a foundation for each characters “dysfunctions”. In other words they werent born to be this fucked up, they were turned into one. What I mean is that so more readers can relate/... PochiMochi26

    I understand what you mean by the whole dysfunctional thing, but he’s not a sociopath.

    Joubim March 17, 2021 3:15 pm
    You are misusing that term. LatteGratte

    Well I guess I was not too clear about what I was saying. I'm not talking about him specifically. It's just a reflection on how there are so many emotionally challenged MLs out there. Many of whom do display quite a sociopathic behavior. For example, her brother?
    I'm just reflecting on the fact that heroines are so healing all the time and it's mostly never the reverse.

    Yoreadinfast March 17, 2021 3:32 pm
    Well I guess I was not too clear about what I was saying. I'm not talking about him specifically. It's just a reflection on how there are so many emotionally challenged MLs out there. Many of whom do display qu... Joubim

    I see where your going with this idea...and yeah I also kinda agree

    cobrakai1972 March 17, 2021 3:39 pm
    Well I guess I was not too clear about what I was saying. I'm not talking about him specifically. It's just a reflection on how there are so many emotionally challenged MLs out there. Many of whom do display qu... Joubim

    I get what you were trying to say tho, most men (either its MLs or the fathers or brothers etc) in reincarnation or isekais are very emotionally constipated and some do show sociopathic qualities, like its very concerning with the repetitive pattern authorsss lol but yea @lattegratte raphael isnt a sociopath and he also doesnt show any sociopath behaviors either, he's just socially challenged and he's a bit awkward too imo but its cute haha

    Joubim March 17, 2021 3:48 pm
    I get what you were trying to say tho, most men (either its MLs or the fathers or brothers etc) in reincarnation or isekais are very emotionally constipated and some do show sociopathic qualities, like its very... cobrakai1972

    emotionally constipated

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