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'You're a good boy you put me in a good mood' and I die ,, me and my praise kink ╥﹏╥

HAEBOM_HUHUHU created a topic of Reunion

Release the uncensored version manta is a pussy ╥﹏╥ hahaha

HAEBOM_HUHUHU created a topic of Night Song
HAEBOM_HUHUHU created a topic of Smyrna & Capri
HAEBOM_HUHUHU answered question about want to have fudanshi bf
for someone who hate math I think I did pretty ok?
HAEBOM_HUHUHU created a topic of Waterside Night

There's already a placeholder for 76 and I can only read up to 71 what the heck is happening??? ╥﹏╥

HAEBOM_HUHUHU created a topic of Jinx

dropping this shit might pick it up later or maybe not idk

HAEBOM_HUHUHU created a topic of Reunion

Awwee can't wait for the next chapters > <

HAEBOM_HUHUHU created a topic of Limited Run

Oh-k now they need to get married

HAEBOM_HUHUHU created a topic of Limited Run

Why didn't he just brought a gun?? Turns out he's just rich and handsome but not so smart Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) dumbass

i don't understand his mom, i don't like her.... i hate parents that are so self conceited thinkin all they do is best for their children when in fact all they do is confuse them child can't they find other ways instead of invalidating their childrens feelings????

HAEBOM_HUHUHU created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

It's so painful to indulge myself into this romantic air they're in,,.heck I can't even gaslight myself that it's something to be hopeful about... I'm just so hurt for my baby that all I want for him is to get away from that scumbag

HAEBOM_HUHUHU answered question about question

471 people did   /   160 want to do

I did it once in 8th grade it feels so-so, still didn't regret it cause now it's a story to tell

why is the update so long when I couldn't care less about what's happening :<

HAEBOM_HUHUHU answered question about character obsession
I freakin knew it!! I said it's haesoo before I even take the test... I know this btch gonna be me, I freakin love him. I know he's me and imma pic jowoon no matter what, I'm that hoe hahahaha
HAEBOM_HUHUHU created a topic of Night Song

You're my honeybunch sugar plum plumpy umpy um

HAEBOM_HUHUHU created a topic of Reunion

The feeling of being indebted to someone really sucks :<

My left hand is never leaving my forehead