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OmegaChan February 8, 2021 2:13 am

LF good omega verse or bdsm yaoi. Preferably more than 5/10 Chaps but anything is great! Happy about not so popular ones since I've read most/ many of them. Also feel free to recommend lists

OmegaChan February 5, 2021 12:01 am

looking for yaoi bdsm. best would be whole lists since I have read many already. tysm

OmegaChan January 12, 2021 7:01 am

Do you know if you can make like wishes or manga requests to maybe be picked up by scanlators? Because I've been reading this one yaoi called "Sins of the heart" on myreadingmanga and even tho they said that they will be uploading they don'T and I really had hoped to find it here on manago... but it is not uploaded yet... I really hope someone picks this up because it is really interesting (I'm totally into historical stuff these days haha)

    OmegaChan January 12, 2021 12:29 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Yue Shang

    omg thank you so much!!!!! I'm just dumb and blind then haha... let's forget that I searched for about half an hour lol

OmegaChan December 9, 2020 12:59 pm

guys I'm looking for a yaoi I read yesterday but my laptop closed safari due to an error and closed the tab and I didn't save it yet. It's a yaoi manga, yakuza theme. the mc, seme (blond short hair) cheated on his bf. The uke then broke up and a few months later they run into each other again but the uke is now w a yakuza boss. To make matters worse he brings the wakugashira to force the mc to work under him as a caretaker for the group (instead of killing him) because the uke made it look like the mc was stalking him. The story evolves and the mc still has lingering feelings for the uke but the wakugashira seems to have taken a slight liking to the mc and starts teasing him. Then there was an incident where the mc accidentally smashed a precious wvase of the boss and the group sent him away to keep him save from the boss' rage. But without the mc the whole yakuza base turned into a junkyard and the boss forced the mc back to do the chores etc. ... ThatÄs all I remember for now. Would be great if someone knows this. <3

OmegaChan November 27, 2020 12:23 pm

alright I'm looking for a yaoi manga I read quite a while ago and I wanted to see if it got updated/ reread it. So it's yakuza/ mafia themed. The mc is black haired, uke, and a kinda high ranking agent for the us. He is sent on an undercover mission to infiltrate a Russian mafia ring led by his former friend and classmate. The seme (that mafia boss) is Russian with blonde shoulder long wavy hair. They meet the first time after a while in a theater where this one woman who is a relative of one of them two is giving her ballet performance I believe or the mafia seme just likes going there because he is reminded of his late mother who was a ballet dancer. anyways they meet and the undercover uke kinda gets friendly w his former friend and mafia boss. He thinks he fooled him and follows the mafia boss to a hotel. There he is put in a room with surveillance cameras. the mafia dude confronts him and tells him straight up to wear the us agent uniform, thus telling him that he knows about his original identity and his motif. He then locks the agent up in the basement and I think they do it once or something.. this is all I remember. Pls I really love this one! If anyone knows the title pls share. Thank you <3

    OmegaChan November 27, 2020 12:37 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! wassupbee


OmegaChan November 16, 2020 4:04 pm

Looking for het mangas/ webtoons that feature a love hate relationship or partners that put their work before their love life and may look strange to the outsiders in their relationship but they make it work because they have the same standards... something similar to "Love War's Victory Webtoon manga"

OmegaChan November 14, 2020 8:03 pm

Looking for good bdsm, omega verse and yakuza yaoi stories... but not the popular ones since I believe I read them all already.

anything with great dominance and uneven power hierarchy in the relationship

    OmegaChan November 14, 2020 10:06 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Blue

    well I mean like super strong dominance, master-pet/slave play.. these kinds of dynamics

OmegaChan October 12, 2020 10:35 pm

alright I'm looking for yaoi where the seme likes to shove their finger in the ukes mouth (tongue play etc).. maybe also some DT and facefuck.
Thank you <3

OmegaChan September 14, 2020 5:54 pm

looking for Yaoi where the mcs fight for the top/bottom position. Can be yaoi, smut, omega verse, sub/dom verse (even tho unlikely).. anything <3

OmegaChan September 6, 2020 4:05 pm

Help I'm looking for a yaoi manga I read recently and I can't remember anymore if I read it here or on myreadingmanga but anyway I didn't save it.
So its yaoi/supernatural/action/historical

the story takes place in some kingdom which is in war w another nation. But the troops under the commander always get away without casualties since they are protected by a dragon god. The ancestor of the king once made a pact w that dragon and since then only the descendants of the king can understand what the dragon says and they also age much much slower than the average humans around them. The mc is the big brother of the current king. He was once cursed by another god or spirit which made him age faster (not as fast as other humans but considerably faster than he should and than his brother does) Therefore he now commands the troops. But they fall out of favor with the dragon and now the mc has to meet with the dragon and negotiate since only he can talk w him and his bro is busy being king. The dragon then tells him that the only way to regain his trust and get him to shield the nation again is for the mc to become his bride.
And then the story continues w the mc being slowly transformed by the dragon into an immortal being and all and the dragon can also change into a human form and all.

I hope someone of u guys can help me find that again. it was really good.
Thanks already <33

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