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Mae04 October 25, 2023 1:14 am

I freaking love this couple

Mae04 October 3, 2023 11:22 am

Dp but at what cost

Mae04 October 2, 2023 1:29 am

Is chapter 3 out of order? I’m confused

Mae04 September 26, 2023 6:51 pm

They’re crazy I love them lol

    YANADA17 September 27, 2023 6:35 am

    Oh gosh ignore the down vote I'm sorry!

    Mae04 September 27, 2023 11:48 am

Mae04 May 30, 2021 2:09 am

Cake uploads very diligently and does great work! Just because something hadn’t uploaded for 2 or 3 days doesn’t mean it’s been dropped. Please don’t upload over them, especially with the pages out of order.

    OHtheNovelty May 30, 2021 2:21 am

    What they said

    blue balls May 30, 2021 2:28 am

    exactlyyyy. there isnt any notice that tells us its being dropped or something. Cake mustve had the chapters getting done alrdy and just giving some time for the author to receive support on legal sites. And to hv someone uploading over them, is kind of disrespectful.

Mae04 April 28, 2021 11:06 am

“Act a bit more normal” “I’m not capable of that…” LMAO this guy

Mae04 April 28, 2021 1:54 am

Wait…can someone explain to me who got hurt I’m confused. Thank you!

    imaima April 28, 2021 6:12 am

    The younger brother who was just raped as well :(

    Mae04 April 28, 2021 9:23 am
    The younger brother who was just raped as well :( imaima

    Oh no and that’s the one dohui likes? Or that’s the other kid?

    imaima April 28, 2021 9:33 am
    Oh no and that’s the one dohui likes? Or that’s the other kid? Mae04

    The kid that tripped and scraped his knees if you still remember the previous chapters..he also happens to like Dohui I think :/

    Mae04 April 28, 2021 10:36 am
    The kid that tripped and scraped his knees if you still remember the previous chapters..he also happens to like Dohui I think :/ imaima

    Ohhhhh! Okay gotcha, thank you! He’s the one who seemed to be “cursing” dohui’s crush? Is that right?

    Bb penguin April 28, 2021 5:50 pm
    Ohhhhh! Okay gotcha, thank you! He’s the one who seemed to be “cursing” dohui’s crush? Is that right? Mae04

    Ummm well no actually...he is not cursing anyone, neither His elder half brother who just raped him nor sungjae (Dohuis crush as u mentioned) well I think he cursed himself thoh as I saw from raws & because of that he is in that state

    Mae04 April 28, 2021 9:37 pm
    Ummm well no actually...he is not cursing anyone, neither His elder half brother who just raped him nor sungjae (Dohuis crush as u mentioned) well I think he cursed himself thoh as I saw from raws & because... Bb penguin

    Thank you! It’s making more sense now

Mae04 April 25, 2021 7:21 pm

There’s so much going on in this I can’t keep up lmao

Mae04 April 22, 2021 4:20 pm

The way he’s messing with him is so hilarious

Mae04 April 22, 2021 4:03 pm

I’m sorry, but uke is an idiot. If you’re partner tells you to never add them on socials and never look for them at school then they are obviously cheating. And then putting the seme through so much when you can’t separate your past relationship from your current reality. It’s gotta be exhausting.

    AsamiHirose April 22, 2021 5:36 pm

    dude have you ever been in that type of situation to say that so blantly? people aren't stupid because of that. that's really insulting. you act rectlessly when you love someone, but that doesn't make you an idiot.

    Nix April 22, 2021 7:44 pm
    dude have you ever been in that type of situation to say that so blantly? people aren't stupid because of that. that's really insulting. you act rectlessly when you love someone, but that doesn't make you an id... AsamiHirose

    I didn't know in love makes you forget that you have a brain. Like it's just common sense. Even married people know this.

    ʜᴍᴍᴍ. . . April 22, 2021 7:54 pm

    Surely you’ve never been in this position nor do u seem to have the empathy skills to see where he’s coming from. As for the cheating bit, some people have faith & trust in the partners to the point where they won’t suspect anything shady is taking place, but the uke was clearly enamored with the other guy, so ofc he wasn’t going to accuse without some sort of evidence as well because he loved him very much. The uke was also abused all his life and at some point decided not to let others in and to not lean on them, which is very valid given his history. The seme is also aware of this info and is not being forced to stay, so saying he’s causing trouble towards him when he willingly stuck around is just a problematic statement all on its own.

    Nix April 23, 2021 4:18 am
    Surely you’ve never been in this position nor do u seem to have the empathy skills to see where he’s coming from. As for the cheating bit, some people have faith & trust in the partners to the point whe... ʜᴍᴍᴍ. . .

    My first relationship was with a married man, I did not know it at the time. I also come from a broken home maybe worse off than the uke, but really the signs were there (they always are) no cheater is perfect they always make mistakes and you will know when someone is truly serious about you. I can empathise but I really can't sympathise, he really just needs some therapy to sort out his issues not constantly jump into self harming toxic relationships, he needs to love and respect himself more to be able to love others. He does not love anyone really if you have to disect the plot from a psychological perspective. He is dependent on the seme like a constant emotional crutch. It's selfish how he pushes and pulls the seme around and this kind of behavior just proves my theory.

    Mae04 April 23, 2021 6:51 am
    My first relationship was with a married man, I did not know it at the time. I also come from a broken home maybe worse off than the uke, but really the signs were there (they always are) no cheater is perfect ... Nix

    This is an interesting take. And I like your statement about not being able to sympathize. Obviously we can see this character continually puts themselves in toxic relationships/situations without improvement. So, at some point you stop feeling sorry for them.

    Nix April 23, 2021 3:48 pm
    This is an interesting take. And I like your statement about not being able to sympathize. Obviously we can see this character continually puts themselves in toxic relationships/situations without improvement. ... Mae04

    My exact sentiments it's like you can't like someone who does not even try. I read stories for character development and so far the uke and seme here had little to none.

    ʜᴍᴍᴍ. . . April 23, 2021 11:59 pm
    My first relationship was with a married man, I did not know it at the time. I also come from a broken home maybe worse off than the uke, but really the signs were there (they always are) no cheater is perfect ... Nix

    He does indeed need to speak to someone about how he’s feeling, but not being able to trust others after what he went through doesn’t make him an idiot. He may have known all along that he wanted/needed the seme, but didn’t properly acknowledge it until now, which is some progress imo. And I think the point is that he does love the seme, but that he thinks he’s just bound to get hurt for trying to commit and ask for nice things given the backstory. I’ll also restate that the seme isn’t being forced to stay with this guy or put up with him, he’s aware of this emotional baggage and took it on.

    Nix April 24, 2021 5:37 am
    He does indeed need to speak to someone about how he’s feeling, but not being able to trust others after what he went through doesn’t make him an idiot. He may have known all along that he wanted/needed the... ʜᴍᴍᴍ. . .

    You are still confusing trust and stupidity. Trust is earned and none of those toxic exs gave him any reason to trust if you look at it, the seme stated that just meeting one of them for the first time was all he needed to know that the ex was toxic. So how could the uke not have realized that his exs were bad guys sooner because he has constantly been dating this type and should see the signs sooner? The seme is there because every single time he tries to leave a develop a healthy relationship with someone else the uke always pulls him back into the toxic relationship they have been in for years. Let me emphasize the years part because the uke could have gotten help sooner but he chose not to and this current plot only came about because he finally had enough and both saw the unhealthy reality of the situation. The seme through all this time is kind of traumatized and obsessed by the uke in a way, he is the semes first real love and uses and abuses his love to his own self interests. Honestly like I said before he could have solved things between them sooner yet he chose not to. You always mentioned trust the seme always had trust in the uke but the uke constantly betrayed that trust and when they both had enough it was the uke who ran after the seme to fix things in the end he could not let go and the uke seems to have only all this time have relied on and trusted the seme more so than his exs.

    Let's agree to disagree here because you clearly don't want to be corrected in the holes of your opinion, even dispite the facts that I have given you were ample evidence that prove my options. I'm done I don't know how many other ways to reach you to understand and you just saying the same thing. At least we both agree that he needs therapy to deal with all the emotional scars.

    Mae04 April 24, 2021 10:40 am
    You are still confusing trust and stupidity. Trust is earned and none of those toxic exs gave him any reason to trust if you look at it, the seme stated that just meeting one of them for the first time was all ... Nix

    I don’t know if you’re saying you wanted to reach me with your opinion or the other person who was on a similar page as me? But it’s fine if you don’t lol it’s interesting to hear your different takes but don’t be frustrated because we aren’t on the same page. People don’t always understand each other, if it’s not worth your energy don’t worry.

    Nix April 24, 2021 3:24 pm
    I don’t know if you’re saying you wanted to reach me with your opinion or the other person who was on a similar page as me? But it’s fine if you don’t lol it’s interesting to hear your different takes... Mae04

    The message is for HMMM... I got a bit annoyed because they keep saying the same thing about trust and the uke trusting his partner when I'm providing that trust is earned and you can't give trust when you know your partner does not trust or respect you like the ukes exs.

    AsamiHirose April 25, 2021 11:57 am
    The message is for HMMM... I got a bit annoyed because they keep saying the same thing about trust and the uke trusting his partner when I'm providing that trust is earned and you can't give trust when you know... Nix

    Trust isn't earned, it's given, and someone can break it. I should know, I always trust people and dear lord have I been disappointed many times. Doesn't make him stupid. Wanting help and reaching out to get it is actually really complicated when you need it. It personally took me 5 years to start getting help and heal. It's just human compassion. I can relate to the uke, because same and that makes none of us idiots. You're just being unsympathetic right now.

    Mae04 April 25, 2021 12:16 pm
    Trust isn't earned, it's given, and someone can break it. I should know, I always trust people and dear lord have I been disappointed many times. Doesn't make him stupid. Wanting help and reaching out to get it... AsamiHirose

    I think everyone’s missing the point that...I don’t have to be sympathetic to a fictional character that I don’t like or agree with everyone has plenty of stories/characters they just don’t vibe with. He’s one of them for me. I made a statement about the uke, we’ve all talked about it a lot. But if it bothers you, you can also just keep scrolling.

    ʜᴍᴍᴍ. . . April 26, 2021 6:12 am
    The message is for HMMM... I got a bit annoyed because they keep saying the same thing about trust and the uke trusting his partner when I'm providing that trust is earned and you can't give trust when you know... Nix

    I mean stay annoyed then bc remember you have your opinion and I have mine, which won’t change. Take care!! ^_^

    ʜᴍᴍᴍ. . . April 26, 2021 6:13 am
    Trust isn't earned, it's given, and someone can break it. I should know, I always trust people and dear lord have I been disappointed many times. Doesn't make him stupid. Wanting help and reaching out to get it... AsamiHirose

    AsamiHirose April 26, 2021 7:52 am
    I think everyone’s missing the point that...I don’t have to be sympathetic to a fictional character that I don’t like or agree with everyone has plenty of stories/characters they just don’t vibe with. ... Mae04

    the point is not that it's a fictional character (and that can excuse a lot) or not, the point is, if you're acting like that towards a "fictional character" , then I feel very sorry for the next person having trouble you'll come accross.

    Mae04 April 26, 2021 11:03 am
    the point is not that it's a fictional character (and that can excuse a lot) or not, the point is, if you're acting like that towards a "fictional character" , then I feel very sorry for the next person having ... AsamiHirose

    The uke is not “having trouble” he’s continually putting himself in toxic situations that ruin his relationships and his own mental stability. He is 100% acting like an idiot, I’ll gladly say it again. I’d say it to anyone in person, in real life too. Especially if I was close with or cared about them. Because they need to GET OUT of these situations for their well being. Ya’ll acting like being called an idiot is the harshest thing in the world no. It’s way worse to continually allow yourself to be put through pain of these horrible situations, and the uke has no friend or outside perspective to even say “look what you’re doing to yourself, you deserve better. Stop acting like this.” Being referred to as an idiot for your own idiotic actions is not the end of the world yes the uke has gone through rough times but trauma is no excuse for what he CONTINUES to do.

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