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Mae04 created a topic of Crush and Burn

If I had a dollar for every time the kid never saw their “parental figure” as their real parent and grew up to want to f*** them why is this trope so common? I’m sick of it

Mae04 created a topic of Thirst

This is riddled with parental figure issues

Mae04 created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Everyone was on that plane lol

WHY WOUKD YOU RUN OFF WITHOUT YOUR PHONE?!? Common sense has left the building

Mae04 created a topic of Crush and Burn
Mae04 created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

It’s so weird in a romance story to have the last chapter focus so much on Habibi and not their relationship?

Mae04 created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

I’m just so surprised that Naoto told Hazuki “you’ve been more hurt in the past than me” ??? Does Naoto just really minimize his own trauma cause what?

Mae04 created a topic of Thirst

The relationship with Tristan and Wren is so weird wtf

Mae04 created a topic of Yours to Claim

Sorry, this AI app development closure, storyline thing….is dumb!

Mae04 created a topic of Who is a sweet cheater?

But why was the c*m still in his mouth like what’re you just holding it in your mouth? I’m grossed out

Mae04 created a topic of Yours to Claim

I’m crying at the horribly slapped in backgrounds with Cain just plopped in them

Mae04 created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon


Mae04 created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

This got so insane literally out of nowhere?!?!

Mae04 created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon
Mae04 created a topic of Full volume

Random question, why are so many characters in manwha art students?!?

Mae04 created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Did anyone else notice that the horse was horrifying?

Mae04 created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon
Mae04 created a topic of Lucky Paradise

If he wanted some humiliation play all he had to do was ask it’s so unrealistic to think orchestrating this whole toxic scenario would get this kind of sex to play out. It’d make more sense if he just asked to be demeaned in bed. He’s trying to play out his kink irl and involve the friend and it’s f*cling stupid!

Mae04 created a topic of Lucky Paradise