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Notannshirley did ( All 1 )

song lyrics stuck in head

Notannshirley's experience ( All 0 )

Notannshirley's answer ( All 4 )

Yaoi life im coming ε=ε=(ノ ' ∇ ' )ノ   reply
07 07,2021
( '◡' ) sucks I really wanted to get that 100   reply
06 07,2021
Ahh so my brain has Finally made a mangago account, took you long enough (~▰˘◡˘▰)~   reply
06 07,2021
Beta foreva!!!Thank Lord I'm very far away from all the drama hahah   reply
07 05,2020

Notannshirley's question ( All 1 )

I just can't make any true friends Most people around me would be so busy hanging out with their friends or even chatting with their friends for 24/7!! while I'm here watching YouTube videos, reading manga and repeating the same thing everyday! UNTIL I get bored(or lonely).And even though I try my best to socialize it just won't CLICK!! like my personality and likes are so different from all the people around me that our friend relationship would either be 1)me faking my personality 2) I won't talk to you again(cause I'm probably embarrassed at our conversations). Like at one point I tried talking (a.k.a. Befriending) to my seatmate at school and our conversation is composed of "who would win in a fight between a milk fish and a cat fish"
11 02,2020

People are doing

want to do read 1000 manga or more

Read quite a few I want to start putting them on my account because I read so many

6 hours
did watch lgbt movie

My Marvellous Dream Is You - thai gl. 2 episodes so far but im liking it.

9 hours
want to do my first boyfriend

I fear that I am about to have my first boyfriend for my 19 years of life

12 hours