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hyunieeee created a topic of Codename Anastasia

i’ve read the novel and.. the worst thing i’ve ever read there is still no progress in their relationship until the end of the book. during their relationship (not a relationship actually) he only raped him. taekjoo is sleeping? zhenya is raping him until morning. taekjoo is drunk? zhenya is raping him for 24 hours? taekjoo is drugged? zhenya is raping him until he clears his head. whenever he is unconscious, zhenya is raping him. i think he has a fetish or smth because the amount of time taekjoo woke up with his ass full of cum and not understanding what happened needs to be studied. they almost never had sex while he was conscious or awake. no character development, no love, no backstory, feelings, nothing. all 94 chapters were taekjoo going on missions and being raped. it was unpleasant to read. and i never expected romance or anything either. but i didn’t think it would be this mundane ngl. the story was dry as fuck. i still don’t know why zhenya was obsessed (he wasn’t even obsessed he just wanted his ass) and what he thought.
since everyone said it is similar to roses and champagne i had high expectations. but no, not similar at all. please don’t have high expectations either because they’re both pretty. the story is dull and boring.