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Quinc like topic of Between Seasons

This man says the « sweetest things » with the creepiest face and deadest eyes ( ̄∇ ̄")

I know that we were warned he was mentally unwell but I was not prepared for him to remind me so much of my abusive ass ex. Beginning with the good looks and nice gestures then to the walking on eggshells, random bouts of anger, coercion, if with top it off with some more intense physical violence and it’s uncanny. I am really hoping their ending is the same. SEND THAT MAN TO PRISON.

Quinc answered question about question
Honestly what is important is not the kiss- its the flirting up to the kiss. Once your lips touch just do whatever you want. Hasn't failed me yet. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Quinc created a topic of Jinx

I thought I was colorblind from all the red flags I’ve ignored but wow jk is actual scum.