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Marikio's feed

Marikio created a topic of Skip Beat

yes we get this for free but a handful of us buy chapters elsewhere but if there are more chapter else where we go. its not about who uploads or translate faster. we aren’t involved in the process so all we can do is say thank you. some comments may sound ungrateful but don’t just assume. like i could be wrong and you had all good intentions as you only directed comments to people not the whole chat. assuming that the person may been something, but yes its easy to know how someone feel during text.

but language is stronger then you think. which goes both ways. if your sticking up for the translator good some don’t appreciates their work but a handful of others do. i wont say i wasn’t an ass about my early comment i wont take it back cause of your attitude i am only mirroring what i saw. Which again I could be wrong.