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Marikio's feed


these comments are crazy. i dont get why people throw rude comments. haven't your relatives told you if you aint got shit nice to say dont fucking speak at all. like your opinions to other feelings are really unnecessary and disgusting. one if i was eighteen still and a thirty years man told me to marry him when i barely know him just cause he like me is crazy. but they are saying back then it was like that and back then didnt have a mother who was from the 21st century. or author. if you cant understand that the author isn't showing much of their characters acting based on that century then you all need to reread. like the hole thing is about changing the way of howe women show make their own choices. its was honestly disgusting back then marry even younger to men way older.

sorry for the rant i love reading comments. and this is directed to any one and this might be hypocritical. but yeah