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Kyouko Mogami lived solely for her childhood friend Shoutaro "Shou" Fuwa. She follows Shou...

  • Author: NAKAMURA Yoshiki
  • Genres: Comedy / Drama / Shoujo / Slice Of Life

Kyouko Mogami lived solely for her childhood friend Shoutaro "Shou" Fuwa. She follows Shou to Tokyo so that he may realize his dream of becoming a famous singer. When his dream is realized, Kyouko overhears the truth behind his decision to bringing her with him: he was using her as a maid.

Shocked and enraged, Kyouko swears to take revenge by outdoing him in show business. With a new look and a new attitude, she joins LME, the agency where Ren Tsuruga (Shou's rival and the #1 actor of LME) work