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Cin13 May 21, 2021 6:47 pm

Idk if ya'll remember but they don't take showers they bathe, and from whats given and known they don't really scrub either soo....... they're both musty in their own ways.

    Nope May 21, 2021 6:59 pm

    Not only they don’t take showers, they also don’t bathe. That’s why perfume was even created— to mask the bad smell. And people used to throw their poop and pee out the window and on the streets. Like they washed maybe thrice in their lives (I’m basing myself mainly off Europe, some states in the world too hygiene really seriously for centuries)? Even less so in cold states. In Canada for example they would wear the same exact full body underclothes during all winter (like 6 months of the year) with a small pocket to poop, pee, and have sex. That wasn’t even during Middle Ages, just like three centuries ago oof.

    Cin13 May 22, 2021 3:52 am
    Not only they don’t take showers, they also don’t bathe. That’s why perfume was even created— to mask the bad smell. And people used to throw their poop and pee out the window and on the streets. Like t... Nope

    I know right, pretty cray z

Cin13 April 29, 2021 2:49 am

I just wanted to see them with their own babies. Was that too much to ask. Also after a certain chapter the whole story ended up feeling rushed and that there were a bunch of missing pieces.

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