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Vampire like topic of Shota Oni

At the beginning I thought it was a story about a child's unconscious and rather stupid naive love, but the further it goes it becomes clear that it has a pedophilic undertone. I don't know why it's still there, it should be removed from this site, and people who read it and enjoy it, I wish you the worst

Vampire created a topic of Shota Oni

At the beginning I thought it was a story about a child's unconscious and rather stupid naive love, but the further it goes it becomes clear that it has a pedophilic undertone. I don't know why it's still there, it should be removed from this site, and people who read it and enjoy it, I wish you the worst

Vampire like topic of Shota Oni

Why are y'all fantasizing about a child being in sexual situations you're a pedophile kill yourselves

Rape, rape, rape and NON-STOP SEX, sex scenes are ok but if I see this shit in every chapter it start be irritating and boring

Vampire created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

Why he beat up that man, I don't get it

Sweet now I need yuri with this girls u.u

Art: generally bad, in best parts are mid asf
Main character is dump or retard. I rarely comment on what I read, but I can't ignore this shit. the chick says it will change something, I thought there would be some feminist overtones, so I started reading, hoping for some intrigue. I didn't even expect a psychological drama, but the chick is fucking stupid and she went from licking everyone's asses to achieve something to licking ass for pleasure. The plot was interesting until a certain point, then it's just another story about a weak, poor girl who wants to be saved, so I literally don't understand what the hell this beginning about some ONE INTERESTING plot was embedded there, and the fact that she comes from another world is also bullshit because this is only relevant at the beginning.

Vampire created a topic of Backlight

BL Mahwa without forced sex, sexual harassment, blackmail isn't BL manhwa

Vampire created a topic of 1 to 10

It's so embarsing and humiliating, I would never want to see him after that

Vampire created a topic of Jinx

I hate this trashyung so much, I wish him the worst I just want a happy Doc without this man near him at the end of story but I know it's impossible

Vampire created a topic of Aitsu no Daihonmei

Idk but for me satou is toxic as fuck...and every side bl couple must have problematic relationship but I think it is a special "ingrident" bc i read this. My guilty pleasure