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KAI created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

Wtf you fukers, you lazy mfs that can't do your job, stupid A$$HOLES, I HOPE YALL BURN YOU SHlTHEADS
I cried so much seeing uke cry wtf and this angel is talking about "dw I'll get rid of your memories blah blah" while grinning, FUKER, STUPID BITGH, I wished uke smashed his head
Who I hate most is that degenerated policeman doppelganger, r@ped someone (that someone being his father figure) tried SA uke (don't trynna tell me he didn't) killed people knowing one that is blamed is innocent then even had audacity to go kill him, he even took body of his only friend even if he didn't have no choice he at least could be there for him and I'm sure he gon be forgiven as well wtf, is that a joke?

Bro seme is without anyone, no family, no lover and now he lost his one and only friend as well, that shi so sad wtf, ofc he would seek human warmth, he fell for uke for reason, I'm sure it was like gift from heaven for him and look at those incompetent supernatural beings, both devils and angels, screwing him even more, what more do they wanna take from him? He have nothing left but uke, I'm so mad
Idc about second couple either ok, if they end up tgt it's gon be nastyyyyyyy
Long haired dude and ceo would be better side couple and I didn't even see ceo yet