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l3ear June 3, 2024 4:48 am

I'm somewhat frustrated with the protagonist. In the big picture, it doesn't feel like he did something to deserve everything coming his way. Everything he has done and achieved was saved by a random item given to him due to plot armour or inexplicable favouritism. Yes, he suffered a lot from his previous life, but no one knows this!

Sister, who claimed she was the protector of the family, ignores all of her siblings, who were constantly pointing death threats at one another, and suddenly prioritizes the youngest because he received an assassination attempt, supposedly by one of her other siblings. WTF? What about your other siblings who were killing one another?! What did he do differently to change her mindset 180? Also, what has he shown to have her choose him as the next patriarch?!?!?! She had only seen him always a little duckling?!?! (teaching him to mind eye, choosing his first sword, saving him from a demon king level dragon-mage duo, tattletaled that her maid betrayed her)

Reserve flagbearers are supposed not to use the Runcandel name during their reserve period. The protagonist keeps revealing himself as a Runcandel in every story plot to gather help. WTF? What's the point of this point then?!

Girl gives a bouquet of flowers. Her ice queen mother comes his way and saves him essentially against a nuclear bomb at risk of her and her daughter's lives. WTF? This is too unrealistic. Any normal person would not risk their life for a guy she only met like 3 times.

White dragon gives him an assassination-repellent horn. Item saves him and his heir-apparent friends' lives from assassins for 10 years. What did he do to deserve this god-send item when he was the one who essentially requested the white dragon for help with finding the little girl's dragon?!?!

    Haunted June 3, 2024 11:36 am

    just read it or don’t bro it ain’t that deep

    rip June 3, 2024 1:57 pm

    Dude finding too much flaw. You know it's not perfect yet. Let it be. Just like how the author want. At least it shown that the author actually didn't think of this plot much because it might make them stress. And that's good news for me. Maybe (if it's from novel) it have other plot twist. Like, the reason he have crazy luck like other mc without doing anything. Let it be bruh.

    Ct711 June 4, 2024 3:49 am

    Are you even reading the story...
    1. No one has to know how much he struggled in order for him to deserve the things coming to him. This is NOT plot armor. This is him using his past knowledge to his advantage.
    2. The thing he's doing differently is actively NOT trying to kill all of his siblings. The eldest is clearly very family oriented, and seemed to find solace in the fact that the youngest main goal, even if it has to eventually come to that, is not just murdering his family for power.
    3. Ice queen clearly loves her daughter, and Jin either did her a favor (I can't exactly recall) or saved her life. Not only that but the fact that her daughter was in the midst of that fight and also wanted things to go the way Jin wanted them to go, she HAD to stop the bomb.
    4. All this is possible essentially because he's strong. If he was a 1 star mage with no sword skills, then none of this would have happened. Thanks to his past knowledge and effort to get to 7 stars, he's been able to get this far. I mean let's not forget that he was supposed to be this powerful in general, but someone literally CURSED him from birth rendering him helpless with the sword?? Jin worked his ass off in his previous life DESPITE the setbacks and now that he got another chance he's taking it. I think it's safe to say he deserved all of what he's getting, no?

    Bird-chan June 4, 2024 1:15 pm
    Are you even reading the story...1. No one has to know how much he struggled in order for him to deserve the things coming to him. This is NOT plot armor. This is him using his past knowledge to his advantage.2... Ct711

    Just to add a few things. The reason why the oldest sibling is doting him is because he APPROACHED her and told her about the curse. Do you all remember her face? She was furious, disgusted, and heartbroken that her youngest brother had to endure.

    That's how she bonded with him. She saw him for what he was a baby and a child and gave him her emergency necklace: the one he used to call her when that powerful mage use necromancy against him.

    If you go back and read and write down things then proceed with the story ... somethings will make more sense than just reading one chapter every week. The human brain is capable of many things, however knowledge might've been to fast for you as you ran to fast for knowledge to catch up to you: l3ar.

    l3ear June 4, 2024 4:01 pm
    Just to add a few things. The reason why the oldest sibling is doting him is because he APPROACHED her and told her about the curse. Do you all remember her face? She was furious, disgusted, and heartbroken tha... Bird-chan

    Yes. I know he approached her when she suddenly had the impulse to give him a birthday gift after he revealed his shadow flames.

    What I don't understand is why she suddenly felt the need to extend the excessive favoritism when she was described as indifferent to interacting with her siblings in the original timeline. Also, just because he told her that someone tried to assassinate him, why didn't she extend the same thing to her other siblings. The other siblings were clealy all trying to kill and sabotage each other, regardless of age.

    As for the family-orientated comment by @Ct711, being family-orientated and not wanting to kill her family members are two separate things. Again, it didn't sound like she did anything for her siblings other than leave the heir fight.

    l3ear June 4, 2024 5:35 pm
    Are you even reading the story...1. No one has to know how much he struggled in order for him to deserve the things coming to him. This is NOT plot armor. This is him using his past knowledge to his advantage.2... Ct711

    Yes. I indeed read the story.
    However, this was mainly a rant post because I wanted to relieve my frustration right after I finished the latest chapter. I was absurdly frustrated because this story honestly had a great premise to be a great story with the intricate world the author designed, but every plot conclusion has left me extremely frustrated. The premise of infighting for succession was interesting. I was looking forward to the dynamics he had with his siblings, but it somehow came out as outright hostile, favoritism, or cannon fodder. The idea of seeing amass fame without using the Runcadell name left me intrigued, but the majority of the plots so far have been the supporting character finding out he's a Runcadel, and suddenly deciding to support him because of his family.

    1. When I made this comment I did not mean it as a justification for every comment I said. It was to exemplify the frustration I had for the inexplicable favoritism at every corner.
    a. Sister, who was indifferent or neutral to all her siblings in the whole timeline, regardless of the clear attempts of sabotage or killing attempts between each, suddenly gave her utmost support to MC just because he said someone tried to kill each other. Again, I reiterate why did she suddenly want to help and favour him to the extreme when her other siblings are clearly killing and sabotaging one another in the whole other timeline and current timeline.
    b. White maiden. The MC only met her on essentially two occasions. The first attempt was when he was assassinating her mother's love. The second time was during the banquet reveal where she lost in a fight. (I think that was what I recall.) Hence, why did she see the need to risk her life to save him from an essentially nuclear bomb, along with her mother? Hence, why I am again frustrated with the explicable favoritism. (Sure. Maybe author just wants the template FL to fon at every action MC does, but that doesn't diminish the frustration I have.)
    c. White dragon. She has nostalgia for the first Runcandel lead and is thankful for the warning about warning for her contractor. Returns help with helping with fighting an insane dragon-mage duo and then gives an assassination-repellent horn. She may be justified to an extent, but did she really need to give so many things?!

    2. I'm not disappointed that he isn't killing his siblings. I was disappointed by the simple, extreme polar sibling dynamics, overtly hostile, favoritism, or cannon fodder.
    From my perspective, his sister is not family-orientated. She has an aversion to killing her family members. Read my previous comment.

    3. He is strong, but the major plotlines so far have been concluded with him relying on someone else's help (again the explicable favoritism I'm frustrated with). Also, the only major impression of him I have of him doing something by himself was when he killed the mage who put the curse on him. And even in this chapter, IDK, if it's the way the manhwa artist or author portrayed the story, it felt like he was killing a cannon fodder. -.-

    Min June 5, 2024 6:51 am
    Dude finding too much flaw. You know it's not perfect yet. Let it be. Just like how the author want. At least it shown that the author actually didn't think of this plot much because it might make them stress. ... rip

    motherfuckers when they find out people read stories and actually use their brains to think about the plot and characters:

    Riko June 5, 2024 10:01 am
    Yes. I indeed read the story. However, this was mainly a rant post because I wanted to relieve my frustration right after I finished the latest chapter. I was absurdly frustrated because this story honestly had... l3ear

    I lovee when people actually discuss/rant about the actual logical solidarity of manhwas and webtoons. I was also wondering why everything seems to happen so quickly.

    About the ice queen and the flowers: someone else said that the queens daughter was involved in the fight, but I’m pretty sure that was AFTER she and her daughter arrived at the scene, she could have easily turned a blind eye and left with her daughter… she’s not truly indebted to the mc, ESPECIALLY not enough to put her own daughter in danger like that.

    And while he’s using his ‘past knowledge’ it’s not really past knowledge it’s really just luck like you said (someone else was bitching about it being the result of his past knowledge). No way he gets all these items after doing nothing. In the beginning, when he had his little trainee crew, that seemed to fit in line with him using his old memories, but after a certain point he began going places he knew nothing about in his past life, and still surviving based on random items he happened to attain beforehand.

    Honestly, the biggest thing that makes his luck seem so out of character imo is the fact that he takes a whole new path as soon as he’s born. In other manhwas the mc does his own thing, or follows a relatively similar timeline, maybe just a little faster than before. In this story, the mc takes a whole new turn since he wasn’t exiled, and because of that experiences wayy too many new things that he shouldn’t have much knowledge for.

    I think your argument of family-orient vs an aversion to killing her family for the sister is absolutely spot on, but her relation with the mc may be because their viewpoints simply align? Just a guess but when he entered that house with the twins up until he was ten, we saw that the twins were already going after the mc. What may have piqued her interest at first might have been the fact that he was able to overpower his older siblings at a young age and the fact that he was beginning to show a talent similar to hers (we see examples of this more so later on when he predicted the explosion of the ball and was uninjured, the only person to react fast enough besides the sister), but later on she also realized they had mutual feelings about not wanting or caring to kill their family members.

    This was purely a discussion post, not trying to disprove or discredit anyone’s reasonings/theories, simply building off of what has already been said. :)

    Wendychoux June 8, 2024 4:51 pm
    motherfuckers when they find out people read stories and actually use their brains to think about the plot and characters: Min

    For real

    Deepthroat circus June 9, 2024 5:26 am
    motherfuckers when they find out people read stories and actually use their brains to think about the plot and characters: Min

    Mfs when fictional stories have flaws and they put real world logic on a fckn book :

    Min June 9, 2024 8:27 am
    Mfs when fictional stories have flaws and they put real world logic on a fckn book : Deepthroat circus

    "real world logic" bitch were you born stupid or did you hit your head recently? the 'real world logic' you're talking about is plot contrivances and conveniences. just because something is set in a fantasy setting or fictional doesn't mean every plot hole/convenience can be excused. do you have holes in your brain? this is why media literacy is important. learn to fucking think about the shit you read instead of mindlessly scrolling through pretty pictures like a baby. it's genuinely amazing how braindead you sound. did you mentally grow past the age of 3?

    Deepthroat circus June 9, 2024 3:11 pm
    "real world logic" bitch were you born stupid or did you hit your head recently? the 'real world logic' you're talking about is plot contrivances and conveniences. just because something is set in a fantasy set... Min

    You lost all my respect when you called me a bitch go kys

    Min June 9, 2024 3:35 pm
    You lost all my respect when you called me a bitch go kys Deepthroat circus

    i'm sooooooo saaaaaddddd that Deepthroat Circus on mangago dot me doesn't respect me anymore. oh, the horror! the terror! go jump off a bridge and kill yourself first you stupid ass bitch. don't speak if you can't think.

    Deepthroat circus June 9, 2024 5:22 pm
    i'm sooooooo saaaaaddddd that Deepthroat Circus on mangago dot me doesn't respect me anymore. oh, the horror! the terror! go jump off a bridge and kill yourself first you stupid ass bitch. don't speak if you ca... Min

    I can think just fine it’s dumb ass cunts like you that pmo when y’all are mad a book has a fucking flaw or they do things that have contradictions to what was said earlier to advance the plot and you have to be a dumb ass bitch bc anyone has told who he is has either died or was trusted and is currently his ally so you fucktard complain over a book when nobody gives a shit about your opinion maybe get your fat ass up and go get a job or write your own damn book if you wanted to be perfect and you don’t have to care that I said I don’t respect you because ur probably like 9 but real adults can have a civil conversation without all the name calling which in my original comment I didn’t do …. It was unnecessary for u to do so

    Min June 9, 2024 5:36 pm
    I can think just fine it’s dumb ass cunts like you that pmo when y’all are mad a book has a fucking flaw or they do things that have contradictions to what was said earlier to advance the plot and you have ... Deepthroat circus

    i ain't reading allat. do everyone a favour and die.

    Deepthroat circus June 10, 2024 4:31 am
    i ain't reading allat. do everyone a favour and die. Min

    Suck a duck and choke to death

    Min June 10, 2024 5:49 am
    Suck a duck and choke to death Deepthroat circus

    holy shit you're retarded. can you kill yourself already? fugly hoe.

    Min June 10, 2024 5:50 am
    Suck a duck and choke to death Deepthroat circus

    you parents should've aborted you, negative iq ass bitch. i hope you get run over by a truck today.

    vasco#1fan June 10, 2024 8:30 pm
    you parents should've aborted you, negative iq ass bitch. i hope you get run over by a truck today. Min

    Mfs when another mf makes a joke lmao

    Deepthroat circus June 10, 2024 11:08 pm
    Mfs when another mf makes a joke lmao vasco#1fan

    Lmao the fact she said all this over a manga to was wild

    vasco#1fan June 11, 2024 12:39 am
    Lmao the fact she said all this over a manga to was wild Deepthroat circus

    Right she aint even op. Like it wasny even that serious. Nothing is ever that serious

    Min June 11, 2024 5:20 pm

    @Deepthroat circus
    bitch YOU'RE the one who started telling me to kill myself first, huh?! did you just conveniently forget that part? like how are you gonna have no reading comprehension AND a victim complex? pick a struggle.
    "Lmao the fact she said all this over a manga to was wild" lmao the fact that you told me to kill myself because i called you a bitch was wild. quit your victim complex you little bitch. don't tell others to kill themselves if you can't handle being told to do the same.

    Min June 11, 2024 5:29 pm
    Right she aint even op. Like it wasny even that serious. Nothing is ever that serious vasco#1fan

    if it wasn't that serious then why did they say "kill yourself"? why are you riding their cock?

    vasco#1fan June 12, 2024 3:30 pm
    Lmao the fact she said all this over a manga to was wild Deepthroat circus

    It wasn’t even that serious to begin with

    Deepthroat circus June 12, 2024 11:32 pm

    @min your dumbass knows damn well I said that because you called me out of my name for no reason when I was trying to have what began as a civil conversation

    Deepthroat circus June 12, 2024 11:33 pm

    @min if anyone is riding dick it’s you hop off dumbass

l3ear September 10, 2020 7:15 pm

... What kind of organization essentially tells a stranger you only met once their whole organization's internal structure? ( ̄∇ ̄") I mean sure the stranger saved one of your members, but for all they could know, MC might have been collaborating with their enemies....

    CuddleQuill September 10, 2020 9:53 pm

    The leader, Silver, literally said that "those who White does not trust, we do not trust." That denotes some ability that White has to be able to tell who is good or bad (at least to me).

    Kim September 25, 2020 2:07 am

    The medal from the tower signifies her as king Salomon's companion.

    l3ear September 25, 2020 2:45 am
    The medal from the tower signifies her as king Salomon's companion. Kim

    Soooooo. You missed the entire point of where she only revealed the medal AFTER they summarized their entire organization's internal structure. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Kim September 28, 2020 12:32 am
    Soooooo. You missed the entire point of where she only revealed the medal AFTER they summarized their entire organization's internal structure. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 l3ear

    Well he did tell his companion that if you want something you have to give something when he asked why you told so much.

l3ear June 1, 2020 11:22 pm

I approve of this dumb pair! Serena is far to great to be taken by the likes of that dumb king (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ even the Knight is better than him

But I am flabbergasted on why that girl is going after a married man #-.-)

l3ear May 10, 2020 10:21 am

Kian looking for a land without a ruler...hmmm...Doesn't that sound exactly like the Motia's lands scenario? So does that mean he was secretly trying to find her another piece of land to govern together? ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

l3ear April 6, 2020 8:22 am

Hmmm are they divorcing since Illusion world now has gay marriages? ヾ(☆▽☆)

l3ear February 16, 2020 9:38 pm

Wow Cabel is such a bay and oh so polite. (≧∀≦)

l3ear February 14, 2020 4:22 am

So nostalgic (=・ω・=)

l3ear January 20, 2020 7:44 am

From the comments, I can tell mostly everyone is celebrating the potential baby, however, in contrast, I'm dreading. Don't get me wrong. I love kids. I love the couple and adore their interactions, however, I don't think they are ready for a kid.

From what I'm seeing, the couple is just beginning their couple lifestyle and they are already going to be forced into a very important decision that will challenge the strength of their relationship, which I must remind you, it just began! More importantly, Dojun is woefully ignorant. The way he handled his social interactions with his emotional outbursts, shows, more likely than not, he's not ready for any baby!

TO ADD! Having read the previous author's webtoon, this story has the unfortunate potential to become dark. Paired with Dojun's ignorance I can see the potential dark mental breakdowns he could experience once he receives the information.

Lastly, I'm worried about the baby, since he/she would definitely be the unfortunate victim in this disaster. Hence why I support planned parenting.

    Blithe January 20, 2020 11:02 am

    Omg... This is EXACTLY what I was feeling...It not like I hate the idea of a child, but it's too soon... They had just become a couple... Also I'm kind of scared because the story may progress to a slow, heartbreaking kind of story ugh... The baby may get caught up in the problem... Yep pretty much the same w/ u

    hazelnutcookies January 20, 2020 9:03 pm

    I'm also one of the few who think that a baby is too soon for their relationship. Doyun is still basically under "heat control therapy" although perhaps having a baby or a bond may actually correct that.

    However, I don't think the story will take a dark turn as with the author's other works. At least I hope so, as the story is quite good and the characters are adorable and interesting. For one thing, although they're both idiots, Taehan and Doyun seem to genuinely love each other already at this point in the story. Taehan is that unique omegaverse seme as he has never sexually forced Doyun. Seduce, yes, even take advantage of, but the sex is always consensual. There's also no power struggle between them as Doyun has pretty much accepted Taehan as his partner.

    Moreover, Doyun has quite a strong support group, especially with his mother. Even if Doyun gets pregnant and he's not ready for it, Taehan seems generous enough to give Doyun the emotional support and space he would need. If that isn't enough, his mother can help him and his brothers will most likely knock some sense into him. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Blithe January 21, 2020 1:24 pm
    I'm also one of the few who think that a baby is too soon for their relationship. Doyun is still basically under "heat control therapy" although perhaps having a baby or a bond may actually correct that. Howeve... hazelnutcookies

    Oh I hope you're so right

    akane006 January 30, 2020 12:43 am

    This story is so fluffing that I often forget about the author's other stories which are so fucking dark! but I have the hopes that she won't go there

l3ear December 16, 2019 10:41 am

Anyone else a girl and find this story interesting but at the same time frustrating due to the gender roles depicted in this story?

Girls are babymakers and they don't even get a say in raising them. ( ̄へ ̄)
Their male counterpart doesn't even like you and has a side mistress. (︶︿︶)=凸
The sign of female's approval to their relatives' relationships are only shown by agreeing to let them take away your children, WITHOUT expecting anything in return. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

FYI. I am totally accepting of homosexual relationships. It's just that this story's gender role depictions are really irritating me. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    l3ear December 16, 2019 10:44 am

    A clarification on the "Their male counterpart doesn't even like you and has a side mistress." I'm referring to the other "fraction" in the story, opposite to Sirius's faction.

    CarpsAmongCats December 16, 2019 3:13 pm

    Your feelings are exactly what the author was aiming for. Our MC was a fujoshi in her original life and ate up all the ridiculousness that many BL stories create to justify their settings.

    This new life is depicting how unrealistic and unfair many BL worlds are to the female characters. Lol, this world seems like a punishment world for reincarnating fujoshis.

l3ear October 13, 2019 11:49 am

*Reading Comments* Infidelity...Cheating...Harem...Hmmm... Everyone is being so serious.... I'm just reading for the bulshit, dynamic characters, and the FL's openmindedness.

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