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Still waiting for jihwa and mumyeong side story

Valhallastar created a topic of Thirst

this might be messy, but I like messy stories from now and then. So I'm still in hahahaha

Valhallastar created a topic of Neighbor

at this point this would be so much easier if they were polyamorous

Valhallastar created a topic of Thirst

Honestly? I just hope Wren dosent die.

Valhallastar created a topic of One Night Mate

i NEED dawool and eden story

Valhallastar created a topic of One Night Mate

Sooo, are we getting a story for the side couple or not? Bc I at this point I love them too

Valhallastar created a topic of My Suha

gonna be honest, i was hoping for him to finally accept that they weren't meant to be together and just leave. After reading so many stories where no matter the level of toxicity they always end up together, i was kinda hoping for them to part ways in a semi healthy way... but that ending makes me think they are gonna be reunited at some point.

Valhallastar created a topic of PASSION

Does anyone know where I can read the novel?

Valhallastar created a topic of Omega Complex

I need a side story with dohyun

Valhallastar created a topic of Yours to Claim

Not gonna get my hopes up. I Just gonna keep reading this when the final couple is revealed