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Isora May 30, 2021 12:09 am

Why does every webtoon that I read have that skeleton bones with horns as a frame. Like its everywhere I became the ugly lady I think I also saw it in save the mc brother.

Isora May 20, 2021 3:28 pm

Yeah right as if he is going to kill her. It obvious he is in love with her( if u can call being possessive that and, and toxic) and don't want ther to leave him. Just say okay and watch him try to kill you. Omg I can already imagine the story's ending and the plot.

Isora's questions ( All 2 )

Isora April 21, 2021 1:46 am

I dont understand people who hate other people for shipping sukuna with megumi(jujutsu kaisen). Their argument is that he is a 1000 years old and Megumi is underage etc. But like they forget that in most reincarnation Mangas the lead is already an adult and turns into the body of a child. And the they have some kind of a romance with the ml. Like there is a grown woman in that body but she finds a little boy attractive and then when they grow up they get married( for example.) Also, remember "who made me a princess " Lucas is an old man who can change his looks into a boy. But everybody is okay with shipping him and the MC! Like that is not fair! If u think Megumi/Sukuna is pedophile than is Lucas also not a pedophile? (I don't have any hate against Lucas just trying to prove my point.)

    Uncle Ted April 21, 2021 1:55 am

    I haven't watched jujtsu kaisen yet but I 100% agree with you

    Takkunたく April 21, 2021 2:05 am

    I don’t hate ppl who ship them but I don’t ship it myself bc of my own reasons— some people who use that argument are the ones who probably doesn’t have any reason, they just hate on it just because they dislike it. In my case, I don’t like shipping people in Jujutsu Kaisen just bc I came for the plot and only that.

    eren please step on me April 21, 2021 2:12 am

    why do you compare it with straight manhwa tho?and we ship athy with lucas because lucas really love athy unlike sukuna who only has interest but not in romantic way toward megumi, and maybe lucas only has interest in athy at first but now he loves her ROMANTICALLY same with other manhwa unlike sukuna who just INTEREST to megumi bruhhh, honestly i don't hate nor like this ship (sukunaxmegumi) but the way you compare it with straight manhwa is crazy/weird lol (btw sry for my bad eng)

    Takkunたく April 21, 2021 2:32 am
    why do you compare it with straight manhwa tho?and we ship athy with lucas because lucas really love athy unlike sukuna who only has interest but not in romantic way toward megumi, and maybe lucas only has inte... eren please step on me

    I partially agree with this...op only compared the age gap arguments but not the relationship one..Personally I see Sukuna’s ‘interest’ as him being curious and obsessed with Megumi rather than actually liking him romantically.

    Uncle Ted April 21, 2021 2:33 am
    why do you compare it with straight manhwa tho?and we ship athy with lucas because lucas really love athy unlike sukuna who only has interest but not in romantic way toward megumi, and maybe lucas only has inte... eren please step on me

    They weren't rlly comparing it they were just using it as an example to show age difference which has nothing to do with straight or gay

    GunWoo April 21, 2021 2:35 am

    I dunno people have different opinions tho..but for me i dont ship people in jujutsu kaisen so its up to you and them who they want to ship

    Takkunたく April 21, 2021 2:36 am
    I dunno people have different opinions tho..but for me i dont ship people in jujutsu kaisen so its up to you and them who they want to ship GunWoo


    eren please step on me April 21, 2021 2:40 am
    They weren't rlly comparing it they were just using it as an example to show age difference which has nothing to do with straight or gay Uncle Ted

    oh i understand but not really lol, maybe because she/he using a ship that like each other than used a ship that didn't like each other that i got confused a little.. well i don't even understand what i'm saying rn lmao

    Isora April 21, 2021 3:18 am
    why do you compare it with straight manhwa tho?and we ship athy with lucas because lucas really love athy unlike sukuna who only has interest but not in romantic way toward megumi, and maybe lucas only has inte... eren please step on me

    I dont care if it a straight manhwa or not i used it to show how people react to age gaps . Like its okay if it's a hetero couple but it isn't when it comes to shipping two guys? And I know that sukuna doesn't love megumi, okay. Like its a adventure genre there isn't supposed to be any romance here. That's how ships work. If they don't love each other people create alternative universe where they do. My complain is not about if they have feelings for each other or not uts about how people judge others.

Isora April 21, 2021 1:37 am

Hi, I've been looking for a manga with a strong female lead for a while now. But the things is they all resolve around her being in some kind of relationship with a ml. I don't want that! Can't a mc just be a woman with no romance?! Mostly it is male protagonists that don't have romance in their stories. So if anyone knows a manga with an independent woman wanting revenge and etc but without a male's influence, tell me.

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