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Repelista July 11, 2021 1:38 am

wait until they find out that they imprisoned members of the royal family and their guardians ( ̄へ ̄)

Repelista July 10, 2021 11:47 am

why is it always a cliffhanger (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Repelista July 10, 2021 11:44 am

finally we get to see lucas in action, have been waiting for this for soooo long ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Repelista July 10, 2021 9:40 am

Finally finished this, it took me two days which is a bit longer than my usual reading pace, now I'd like to leave some of my ramblings for the future me incase I look back to this manhwa at some point. (warning: contains spoilers because I'll be talking about what happened throughout the story so please proceed with caution)

I see a lot of readers displeased with how Tia and Ruve ended up together in the end despite Tia's effort to cut ties with the royal family. Some even said that this is just an example of bad writing and such. To be honest, when I got spoiled with the ending at first I did share the same sentiments. I thought that no matter what redemption phase Ruve had I still wouldn't agree with him and Tia being endgame especially after having 2 other potential male lead's (Allendis and Carsein). But, as the story progressed and things got revealed little by little, I started to understand why this and that happened and tbh I thought it was brilliant, how we were walked through this journey that they wanted to tell.

I'm not saying that it doesn't have it's flaws, but I will say that despite what others think (which I respect since that's their opinion), imo I didn't just waste my time on this thing. We were shown why Ruve treated Tia that way, for me it's not there to justify his actions but instead to help us understand him a bit more. All three of them were, in a sense, victims to the fates that have been twisted in their past life and all suffered cruel deaths in the end.

Now I'd like to talk more about the male lead, Ruvellis. I didn't like him, my heart did hurt a lot, as cheesy as that sounds, when I saw how he treated Aristia during the first timeline. Tia didn't do anything wrong, she wasn't a villainess or anything but she was being treated like one. He was giving her unexplained hate and was so cruel to her even until the end during her execution. All of that combined lead to me despising him and not understanding why Tia still ends up with him during the second timeline (when I read the spoiler which was early on the chapters, probably around 20-30). At the time (in the second timeline), he was still an arrogant jerk so even though I know he hasn't done any of the things he did in the past just yet, I had some hostility towards his character. He showed signs of change, although at some point I wanted to accept the change and support him for Tia, I keep getting reminded of how he was during the first timeline. So, I said at the time that I'd wait for Jieun to appear and see how he reacts. Now, when Jieun appeared and he still showed affection to Tia, I felt conflicted once more because I started to feel that them being together doesn't sound too bad anymore but I still had this doubt that I couldn't shake away from me since we haven't learned about why he was so angry at Tia back then other than his envy. Next, the poison entered the plot and we finally have our answer. Ruve disliked Tia because the feeling of affection that he longed for which he never got all went to Tia, but it was mentioned that their clashes wasn't that bad yet until Tia entered the palace. Meaning the poison must've contributed a lot to Ruve's actions back then, long story short he wasn't on his right mind. Again I'm not saying that this justifies his actions but instead it helps us understand him. It just shows how people can change depending on what type of fate befalls at them.

I just realized how long this is now so I'll just get to my main point. In my interpretation, the story shows us how easily people change. It shows us the different sides of a person's story, how there's no such thing as a good and bad or a black and white personality to a person. We all just get influenced by what surrounds us, we may make stupid decisions and clouded judgements, we can be afraid of repeating past mistakes and as a result it can hold us back from other things that life has to offer, we may compare similar events to the other and in turn forget that we live in the present and not the past. In the end, we are all humans who makes mistakes, we are given brains we can use to think and emotions used to feel. Two qualities which are unique to us which often clash during times of judgement and that's totally normal. When we make mistakes, we shouldn't be afraid of it or run away from it; instead we should take it and learn from that experience.

Tia tried to run away from Ruve, that's something that we can't deny. She thought that was the best way to avoid repeating the mistakes from her past life. But as I said earlier, people change and humans are influenced by their environment and the people around them. Just like the butterfly effect, one change can ripple to a bunch of other changes to ones fate. Each of them (the characters) learned how to forgive, forget, and cherish what they have and I think that's what the important thing is. I guess in a sense, we can say that sometimes there are more to things than what meets the eye? I also think that the blood vow in the end was very clever, where instead of Tia, it was Ruve who made the vow, this way we can see that he's really not the same as the past Ruve from the first timeline. Right, I think it's better to call it that he grew into a better person instead of "he changed." Because he didn't change, it was just that the second timeline Ruve chose a different path for himself. Just like how Tia chose hers, I just realized that now lmao anyways I'll stop now though I still have much to say.

All in all I liked this story, it was a bit of a stressful read for me (props to the author/creator too for that, another reason why I thought this was great is due to having many different emotions whirling inside me while reading this and it was so interesting, I had so much to say because of it) which was probably why I took my time reading it and I was unsure how it'd end but I liked it a lot. It made me comtemplate about a lot of things, now I'm looking forward for what my future self has to say if ever I visit this manhwa again. It'd be interesting to see if I still have the same opinion as now ( ̄∇ ̄")

P.S. If there's anybody who read all this then thank you for taking interest in my ramblings, it's so long that I'm almost 100% sure no one will read this lmao

Repelista July 6, 2021 10:58 am

I see a lot of people who didn't like it and complaining a lot about some "loopholes" in the plot and that's their opinion so I'd respect it.

On the other hand, I think it was pretty chill, nothing too heavy, in the end all was well and we got our happy ending. Overall I like it, the art is nice and the plot was easy to understand for me. Nothing too complicated or anything, they pretty much just lay everything for you and you just need to comprehend what goes on.

I'd say there are things left unanswered like what happened to Yoon's mom, they just said she died in an accident or something. At least with the dad we have some context on why and how he died. Then about the vampire world, we didn't really see it although the author did say what it was like. I guessed that the manhwa just focuses on the more "human" side, if so then it'd make sense somewhat to not explore it further. Now regarding the side couple, ngl I am a bit sad that we couldn't see more of them, perhaps in the future if the author suddenly gets the urge to explore their relationship more. I saw someone say that the 'vampire killing people' was brushed off, and it did kinda just *whoosh* away at some point when the main conflict arised, but in my opinion it was somewhat resolved? In the end, it was said that all vampires disappeared even those who got arrested. The former Nox/Nux did say that he failed being a leader which is why he was pushing Jooyoung to be the new Nox/Nux, then the killings are probably there to show how he failed his duty, while the vampires submitting to their new leader and disappearing without a trace would be the resolution to the problem of being discovered/killed off by the human race.

All in all, the story was wrapped pretty nicely. It was quite short yes and there could be some improvements here and there but I don't think it's bad. The plot is fine and tbh I wouldn't mind reading it again because Doyoon and Kangwoo are quite cute together. Ah right I also saw people complaining about Kangwoo's personality and there were some instances where I go "Bro- that's a red flag right there" but now that I think about it again it's actually not that bad? Maybe I've just read too many where the seme is much worse but imo Kangwoo actually did treat Doyoon well, he just has some moments where he expresses himself wrongly but other than that he seems pretty nice and sweet to me.

Anyhow that was my thoughts about this story, I'm really just writing this for myself to look back in the future incase I want to be reminded about certain things, that's all ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Dany July 9, 2021 8:50 am

    I'm sorry i wanted to upvote ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Lalala March 31, 2024 6:09 pm

    Dude the story is rushed like The main character literally seems like he hates having sex w the director like 80% of the time. I don't even feel any romance. The feelings of the uke is rushed too.

    eishin April 1, 2024 7:01 am
    Dude the story is rushed like The main character literally seems like he hates having sex w the director like 80% of the time. I don't even feel any romance. The feelings of the uke is rushed too. Lalala

    I'm not sure how you found this topic which is almost 3 years old now at this point in time but again like I formerly said if that's what you think then I totally respect that. The topic above was also written by a much younger me and I know better now so if I read this story again then I might have a different opinion than what I initially had. Anyways, during the first review all I said was that it's a nice read, especially seeing the growth of the art style as the story progresses. Nothing phenomenal or complicated, but just something you can read if you have time to spare that doesn't need extreme mental gymnastics to comprehend. I never really said that the top (I'm guessing the director you mentioned? I forgot, it's been a while) wasn't doing some questionable things, didn't really deny that he showed signs of being a red flag either. What I tried to say was that he's not that bad compared to others I've seen/read before (very low bar I know, it's sad but true about a lot of BL stories).

Repelista July 5, 2021 1:29 pm

tbh I don't really mind if she ends up with daniel, just a bit worried about cain and eugene since they're nice people/characters too (idk what to feel about herrace but ig him too..?) I hope the author gives them their own happy ending if litia does end up with daniel, not limited to finding a person they can pair up with but just let them be happy, I really don't want to see them heartbroken with no resolution in the end ╥﹏╥

Repelista July 2, 2021 5:19 am

I think the concept is nice, but it's getting more and more frustrating and the translation isn't helping either. I don't want to dismiss the hardwork put into translating this but it's just bad. Although I can get a rough idea of what's going on, having to stop to try and comprehend what's happening takes the reader out of the zone you know? That, in addition to the very stressful situation the two leads are in is making this not a very pleasant read at all. In my opinion this story is great but the execution just doesn't sit well with me. Maybe it's slowburn idk but everytime there's some sort of progress, something else happens then we're back to square one again. Whatever happened to communication is the key ╥﹏╥

Also, the fact that both the leads are smart but kinda stupid at the same time? So much toxic relationships everywhere, it's full of red flags but it seems to be normal by the way people are acting? Everything is just tragic and there are so many assholes in this story that it kinda feels unrealistic. Not saying that the real world isn't full of assholes but the personalities feel kinda bland. It's hard to explain, but that's how I felt when I was reading. Like they gave reasons why people were acting that way but I feel something's lacking though I can't point out what it is.

I'll probably be dropping this for now, hoping the translation would be better in the future when I return to this again because I genuinely find the concept very interesting.

Repelista July 1, 2021 3:10 pm

Look at the stupid idiots (yes.. stupid AND idiots) who thought it was a good idea to do a crime in broad daylight. Like really? Right in the middle of the parking lot entrance, out in the open with even the ignition on... being an asshole is bad enough, but these people are stupid assholes... Who needs their dick if they don't have brains right? CUT THEIR DICKS OFF AND FEED 'EM TO THE DOGS, WE CAN EVEN TIE 'EM UP (their bodies) AND THROW 'EM TO THE OCEAN SO THEY CAN SERVE A BETTER PURPOSE IN THIS WORLD AND JUST BECOME FISH FOOD

    ~Borahae~ July 1, 2021 3:12 pm

    don't even feed their small fucking dicks to dogs burn them no dog would want their dick in their mouth actually burn their whole body, sometimes murder is okay :)))

    Repelista July 1, 2021 3:14 pm
    don't even feed their small fucking dicks to dogs burn them no dog would want their dick in their mouth actually burn their whole body, sometimes murder is okay :))) ~Borahae~

    you're right, dogs are too precious for them to be force-fed like that

Repelista May 30, 2021 11:27 am

To be fair, Heinrey was very assertive with Navier even when they first met but they both never really went out of line during the times where Sovieshu was actually pretty much cheating and disregarding Navier. Yes, Heinrey did technically seduce her but at the same time, it was Heinrey who was there for Navier whenever she needed someone the most (because of Trashta and Sovieshit). Rashta also seduced Sovieshu but Navier never called her a slut/whore right? She never really flipped on them and still kept a level headed mindset no matter how many times they fuck her up. In conclusion, Sovieshu has no right to try and make Heinrey like some kind of home wrecker when this dumbass emperor divorced Navier in his own accord just for his greed and ambitions. Especially with how much Heinrey loves and treasures Navier.

Mind you, technically it's Sovieshu's fault that Navier isn't able to conceive a baby. He's the one who gave those cookies to her although he had clean intentions back then. It was an accident yes, but now he used it as backing evidence for the divorce. Disgusting really.

    Weirdo May 30, 2021 11:59 am

    It’s crazy that he uses those cookies as a reason to divorce Navier when in reality he’s the one that’s infertile

Repelista May 23, 2021 6:00 am

this trash really had the nerve to insult and call navier names like wtf? aren't you the one sticking to the emperor in order to gain power... I'd like to ask where her brain is at but I remembered she didn't have one in the first place tsk

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