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Anomi created a topic of Under the Green Light

I want da "daddy" in other universe, pretty please :') ... no wife, no children, different backstory u know the deal ~

Anomi created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I know he ain't like that xD come on, bring it on, I'm waiting for the culmination of his character

Anomi created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

eyo people, we have a God damn roller-coaster here, wth is going on, I know it's side story but why I feel like it could fit in the main one?! XD

Anomi created a topic of A well known love affair

as if there's place for that, what is that supposed to mean?! XD hell nah, go away xd

Anomi created a topic of Temperature of skin

got a boner by looking at someone grabbing other person's ass or what was that? does authors just create them bigger? my lawd xD

he can't swim hehe xd

well ok i get this is so weird and bad written I mean I gave 4s lol xD but not gonna lie the freaking plot is making me wanna know more, I won't turn it down, just because he is a tyrant... it isn't that boring at least, but I thought he might do some more weird/dangerous stuff idk something in that way, but he is just... cringe for now xD and also wth is he talking about, first of all he says what he want, it needs to happen right now at this instant but then later - I won't do anything you don't want me to... am I the only one, who can't find any sense in his parts? xD
obviously, having this as an example, he could mean, that he still will do anything he want to and uke is there only to decide how they gonna do it... idk I'm just trying to think... probably for nothing xD it's nothing serious and here I am trying to make something out of it... bruh 4s...xd

Anomi created a topic of A well known love affair

hahahha my lord, it's my first time seeing asking like this for consent... took me off guard

Anomi created a topic of Immediate Disadvantage

bc it's so short, now I know why they had sex for almost whole 2 chapters xD

also his thumb made me uncomfortable xd why is it so unnaturally long... and crooked

Anomi created a topic of Slammer Dogs

oi heonjae, honey, sweetie... I'm literally waiting for him to open up idk where's some action? where are the answers? xD

Anomi created a topic of INDOMITABLE CHAMPION

I'm actually interested, but let's see for how long I will last with this plot xd

Anomi created a topic of Undercover Darling

imagine getting jerked off, then actually without anything showing a suspicious looking guy, probably from mafia at the first glance, that you're from police, then even getting caught on cctv, because you looked too suspicious... well, at least there were no cameras in that room(???) xD where am I going to with this conclusion - I don't know~

Anomi created a topic of Limited Run

those "antique" dialogues are actually, duh, bearable, or more likely kinda fun... I'm trying to get into it by reading it out loud xD I just don't know if it's funny or, well obviously in this case, kind of romantic... or maybe actually both

Anomi created a topic of Jinx

yeah the character development starts now... kinda late tbh... it's already end of the 1st season but it makes sense that way(???)

Anomi created a topic of Jinx

well I just know he is piece of shiet but come on, I'm sure they wanted him to be the most heartbroken in the past and overtime he became a bastard xD but bruh if you gonna tell me Dan took their offer, I'm gonna scream
+1 for that slap, I guess jk won't even bother to think that they care about him and that he is literally the worst... anyway, hope character development is gonna hit sooner xD

Anomi created a topic of 16647

well, no shit sherlock, that it's wrong on so many levels, but bruh ... are we gonna complain about the fact that he is fricking with a child and actually forget that the whole story is fucked up? u got serial killer, depressed teenager and a game world... like dude that's one of the most interesting plot someone could think of I just want it to be interesting till the end

Anomi created a topic of Slammer Dogs

yas go get him, I still didn't saw you in action xD

Anomi created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

well I had feeling, we gonna get a threesome some day but... damn, idk what to say xD do I find it disturbing or do I... actually don't care at this point? not hating it, it was from the beginning slowly getting into the disturbance like taesung was slowly getting insane etc I accepted the fact it's gonna be so dirty, that it will awake the hoe in me, I wasn't even expecting to meet so suddenly ~ let's go, after that car chapter I'm literally accepting everything, cause since then it was progressing into this situation

Anomi created a topic of 1 to 10

honey, that's so sweet and wholesome oh my lawd ~ dear God, even if we had some tension between us and since I was 9 years old clearly didn't went to church.... and even didn't believed in you xd.... I'm sitting on bed right now, with my palms open towards you, begging to send someone like him into my life, like bruh, broski, my dude, listen to me and grant me this one wish xD

Anomi created a topic of Jinx

right now, with this situation... I'm on jaekyungs side BECAUSE even though he is, well himself xD he actually is on the edge like ngl having all this shit going on and now Dan isn't even talking about that situation, yeah I know he tried, but right now this could've been written differently like he speaks up or something like this, but the author did it again.... they are having a breakdown between each other trust issues coming soon on both sides oml xd
not like I'm "forgiving" what he have done/how he is towards Dan but damn dude, chill, just end it already I want that unrealistic glow up between them to happen xd

if there's gonna be a sex scene and he is gonna start talking about his dick going in n out, how deep it actually is and 100x asking if inseop likes it or not... his mouth is moving a lot, like a rat... yappa yappa yappa, shut it please xd
but for real though... it is interesting, like even unhealthy relationships in mangas etc are getting my attention ngl like where the plot is evolving xD but bruh why he talking so much during sex wtf it makes me more uncomfortable than an abuse or some shit