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leojaem created a topic of Love Tractor

this is seriously one of the best stories I've read in awhile, I love them. also yechan is so funny

this is such a cute story d=(^o^)=b

leojaem created a topic of Indulged in Your Light

I love this story, the art style is so gorgeous

leojaem created a topic of Alien In My Closet

I love this story, also shiwon is truly an icon I love him.

leojaem created a topic of Jinx
leojaem created a topic of Dream Away

I love both couples, this story is so good. Also minyoung is so funny

leojaem created a topic of Jinx
leojaem created a topic of No Moral
leojaem created a topic of Jinx
leojaem created a topic of No Moral

bro this story has me going through mixed emotions

leojaem created a topic of Can't Think Straight

bro I need homeboy to grovel hard