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maya created a topic of Call me the Devil

what is it with these devils and kiddy fiddling LEAVE THEM ALONE PERVS

maya created a topic of High Society

HER FACE CARD GOES CRAZYYYYY swipe it and it will NEVER decline

maya created a topic of Traces of the Moon

some of this feels kinda racist…

strong beautiful fl?? already loving this !!

maya created a topic of HUNTER WORLD'S GARDENER

this is kinda bad but in a good way

maya created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

lookswise the crown prince is actually more my type but he doesn’t have any other redeeming qualities… he made his bed now he has to lie in it so i can’t feel anything for him now that he’s going through relationship problems

maya created a topic of Rocket Science Love

mc is pathetic loser ml is a two-faced prick…maybe they are perfect for each other

maya created a topic of I Will Fall With The Emperor

violence is the only right answer against bitches like that… hope to see more of it in the future

maya created a topic of To My Husband’s Mistress

he’s not a red flag but not exactly green either… maybe if he just didnt speak?

maya created a topic of Instant Family

i don’t even care abt the smut i just want them to be happy

maya created a topic of Bitten by the Dog I Abandoned

translation so bad i’m just making my own plot up

this is my first time seeing guideverse outside of bl im so excited to see it more often it’s such a good concept

maya created a topic of Cry, Even Better If You Beg

he’s such a prick but he’s so sexy

i don’t understand why the fl is so resistant to staying at the ml’s house ??? like girl you’re not being independent you’re just being stupid

strong fl who is independent and doesn’t rely on a man to do everything!!!!! how long has it been since i’ve seen a fl with a spine. is this a sign that authors actually know what readers want??????

maya created a topic of Girl's World

this is just dragging on the story is just not even going anywhere anymore

in these kinds of stories why do they always make the girl character act like have a stick up their ass. a self-righteous, holier-than-thou annoying bitch,,,