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I can't believe I just wasted hours of my life reading this.

First, why does everyone want a fight? Wtf? From a kid to the fricking old 9th tier mage, wants to fight an 11 year old kid? Seriously? Is the author a kid? Even his sister in the first couple if chapters just tried to kill her baby brother and nearly did so (if she wasn't stopped) and just said sorry? Tf? Where is everybody's self control? Or the consequences?

Harem? And the dragon kid too?! She literally calls him papa??!!!

The plot is basically just fight everyone you see. I mean, he's supposed to be an assassin but doesn't bother hiding it fr lol. And the "ominous dark power" which was the source of suspicion and ridicule in his past life (and in his family ) just suddenly became an afterthought in the plot and no one's bothered by it.

His father suddenly disappeared in the plot and didn't explain to mc why he didn't even bother to rescue his kid from the dragon (which I'm sure he could have done considering he defeated the dragon in 1 attack).

His instructor just rushes to fight everywhere and whomever (even the daughter of her GOD, the dagger girl)despite being a master as an assassin. Seriously, this is too shallow I simply can't even

Sillybookworm created a topic of Midnight Dweller

No explanations, no apologies, no begging, no nothing. NADA. Everything just went POOF.... It's alright now, yey!

Ml just went "why did you do that? Oh, well, don't do that again, anyway I'll try to use my ears the way god intended it to.... listening"


Sillybookworm created a topic of Stigmata

The meme is a clear representation (╥﹏╥)

This manga has always been full of fanservice. When I first read it with only a few chapters I thought it would be third rate like all the other mangas that saturated the genre.

But I was wrong.

If you just cast out and disregard the art and fan service (you'll get used to it), it is a really good manga. The plot is insane and the character development and depth is immaculate. The execution is very well done.

I cried finding out Jade's death (and many times whenever he's mentioned after), I cried again with Gitane's backstory, and cried again with Tartaros' ending. I cried many times reading this (practically bawling).

Most of all is Llyod, at first I thought he's just the typical op mc that solo's everything and takes everything as a joke. He isn't, his character has so much depth if you just think about it. He takes everything lightly and is quite detached because he's literally like a god among men, he's so powerful that just finding something interesting is hard enough. But what makes him endearing is that he is, at the end of the day, human.

My heart feels heavy (and I get a little teary damn it) whenever I think about how he never denied that he's responsible for Jade's death. HE killed Jade no matter what angle you look at. That's why he never denied it. He's RESPONSIBLE. Then once again with Tartaros, he almost forced Llyod to take responsibility for his death. Once again, Llyod is responsible for their death. And he carries it with him, you can always tell whenever he gets serious. Poor Llyod

With great power, comes great responsibility indeed. The comic relief episodes are barely sufficient to alleviate the mood lol (at least their chibi versions are so cute).

Sillybookworm created a topic of Midnight Dweller

Y'all are so rude to that baby

They just went back to their previous situation (minus the debt) seriously (ノ`⌒´)ノ┫:・┻┻

Sillybookworm created a topic of D.Gray-man

Waiting physically ails me. We finally have answers ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)

Sillybookworm created a topic of Waterside Night

Do you know how much Taejoo had to go through so that his boo would forgive him and be comfortable around him again? And you just have to run you mouth.

Aren't y'all married? ( •_• )

Yes, you can honey boo (っ.❛ ᴗ ❛.)っ

Sillybookworm asked a question

New (I think) manhwa named "Fall from Grace". Is it here under a different name or not yet? Where can I read it? Ó╭╮Ò


The plot is already here but Daddy isn't ಠಗಠ

Please someone fix this mess ( ꈨ ˙ ꈨ )

Sillybookworm created a topic of Waterside Night

So..... He'll get fucked into saying yes?

Sillybookworm created a topic of Pick Me Up

He did that ON A MOBILE PHONE before?! Bruh, what is this god level sh*t?

Sillybookworm created a topic of Eleceed

How can you say that to your friends Jiwoo? What do you mean they have nothing to do with this???? They have EVERYTHING to do with this. THEY'RE YOUR FRIENDS!!!!

Also, that's a big blow to him. Even Jiwoo feels how powerful he's gotten and yet it's powerless compared to really strong awakeners (in this case, the top 50)

“Are you running away after sleeping with me?”After reuniting 8 years later, something o...

  • Author: majungji
  • Genres: Adult / Yaoi / Drama

Very wholesome
Puppy seme
Adorable short story
Sweet couple

Sillybookworm asked a question

Does anybody knows if the bl manhwa "To My Valentine" by DUGGIE is here? I can't find it. Help! 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。