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Iteatrii created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I swear these authors of countryside themed mangas and manhwas go bonkers with the sexiness of the sex scenes. They just have to make it so intimate that you would tear up at the sweetness of it all. I love this.

Iteatrii created a topic of Lookism

I just completed 479 chapters and the want for more is so palpable that my heart is pumping like crazy. This manhwa has fucking bewitched me!! I just love every character so much. Everyone's character development is done so fabulously it's insane. But still at the end of the day the character I love the most would be Jay Hong. It's not even about being favourite because I don't have one, since every major to minor character is a mountain in itself. Guess I fell for his sweetness hahaha.
Never have I ever cheered for so many characters in a manhwa or manga. I'm so excited for what's to come. I feel like Gun will decline but fucking hell the chapter made me tear up again. I didn't wanna see a break up in the end.

Iteatrii created a topic of Sakamoto Days

I was gonna say the panel, when the JAA exec is brought to Uzuki, looks a lot like Phantom Troupe's. But then I got to know Yuuto sensei's favourite manga is Hunter x Hunter and I was like yeah I see that hehehe

Iteatrii created a topic of Sakamoto Days

EHHHHHH!?!?? I've already caught up to the latest chapter!?? щ(゜ロ゜щ). I wanna continue so fucking bad (.TvT.). What an amazing manga!!!

Iteatrii created a topic of Kamisama no Uroko
Iteatrii created a topic of Chainsaw Man

I'm so scared, SO FUCKING SCARED. Fujimoto dare not touch Denji, Yoshida, Nayuta or Fumiko. I'll riot because enough!! (〒﹏〒). I don't need anymore major deaths. No...

"That expression...could it be that Hashiba is also shameless?" Oh my god the way I wheezed while reading this XD. It was such a perfect little love story. I love glasses honor students with a funny personality soooooo much. Plus Hashiba is a cinnamon roll. This was a treat for my eyes.

The author is one of the best GinHiji artists out there and the impact that every one of these doujins have on me is enormous because I love Gintoki and Hijikata's dynamic and the way Gintama's emotional aspect is shown in the doujin's is amazing. Love GinHiji.

Iteatrii created a topic of Oneness

I didn't know the artist's work was here too!! I also follow them in Twitter.

Iteatrii created a topic of That Sexapparition

What the hell happened with them in the past?? I wanna know!

Iteatrii created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

It just me and you and our little farm. Uwaah what a life hehehe. I'm kinda anxious about what's to come.

Iteatrii created a topic of Oni to Tengoku Sai

Oni to Tengoku is literally one my favourite mangas. Favourite is not the right word...special? I think it would be better. I love Manabu and Atsurou so much :'D. Till now I have been reading Manabu in the voice of Yuichi Nakamura and Atsurou as Yoshimasa Hosoya since his Kansai-ben is a such a treat to the ears!! And oh my god it fit so perfectly.
I listened to the drama cd and was blown away by how natural the voice actors sounded! I like both my version and the official one but would be continuing to read in mine cuz it's just stuck in my head.
I wish I could just keep reading this story.
┗( T﹏T )┛

Iteatrii created a topic of Boy Meets Maria

First of all, RIP Eguchi sensei.
I'm literally in tears rn. I was hesitant about reading this manga but I saw the panel of Arima and Taiga sitting on the bench on their date and it just pushed me to read it. I have no regrets, it's a wonderful manga.
God I'll be honest I was scared while reading the part with Arima's mother forcing him to be a girl, how that affected the child's mind. And the worst part was the rape. I couldn't stop shaking. Fucking hell.
The gut wrenching fact is that such parents are now everywhere in this world and some pedos are even supporting them. Damn if I don't wanna bash these people's heads in wall! Disgusting.
It comforted me to a great extent to know that Taiga's father actually went to save little Arima. What a rollercoaster of emotions. I definitely have to compliment the comedy, it's brilliant. I'm glad to have read this work.

Iteatrii created a topic of 10 Dance

It's been so long since I got so engrossed reading a manga, searching up details so that I could understand more and more, crying, laughing and getting excited at every little twist and turn. It's not even something to think over, I'm going to buy the manga. I'm feeling so attached to this manga I don't know what to do now that I have caught up to the last update.
Something similar happened to me while watching Yuri On Ice and the anime is still very special to me. The competitions, the international rivalries, the blooming romance, the defeat, the victory, it's all of it. God I feel lost. I hope, I wish, I pray there is an update.

Iteatrii created a topic of Ookami he no Yomeiri

I really really loved it. I'm feeling so happy and light

Iteatrii created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

The mark came back!? Pregnant again!!? OMG YES!! I love them so much ackkk (ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻

Iteatrii created a topic of The Man At Night

It very rare that I get to read such mangas. How should I even explain, it's just that the manga is so clear and oh gosh I dunno how to explain but so not complex but also taking up complex issues. It's like the story is so sorted and easy to understand. I love it.

Iteatrii created a topic of Homeless/No Home

Read No Home after a long while and man I just realised how much I had missed it. I really don't want it to end (╥﹏╥). I'm so attached to the old dorm, to the characters and to everything about this manhwa. Imma just enjoy every bit while I still can.

Okay Nakwon Okay!! We know you are obsessively and passionately in love but dude give your man a little time to sort out what you just dumped on him!? I was just anxious that Mokhwa would punch him looking at how painful the penetration was and the I Love Yous weren't helping. But glad he wasn't punched lol. I want Mokhwa to get more vocal about what he wants or maybe think about it first. It would be good for a 'can't say no or object to ladies and Nakwon' person that he is.
I want MORE XD