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RAH SHES SO PRETTY!! And her and her hubby are so cute together

that.wet.rat.boy created a topic of Run Maelle

Thank god blue hair was also uncomfortable with that age gap despite seeming to have some regrets

OMG alteos was pretty?!! im also glad lauv was finally able to feel accepted

lalallalalaala~ what was that?? Your response was "OMG yes ofc I love you too"?? That's crazyyyy (DONT TURN HIM DOWN!!)!

Noooo I hope they don't force a queen/empress!! I just want the father + daughter duo

that.wet.rat.boy created a topic of Boy Girlfriend

I was NOT prepared to see his weewee out of the blue it's usually censored in these kinda mangas

Read the spoilers and I'm kinda unsatisfied....

I feel bad for the real Ophelia. I can't believe she was actually dead the entire time?? Was it the evil stepmother's doing?

Bro red head is so stupid. She's creating all this fuss because she could barely translate the black magic text and is assuming eve is using black magic?? Tf

How's bro gonna ask why juheon thinks they're dating when he literally acts like they are ?? Going out of your way to make the best date only to CRUSH his heart. Byeee