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Imek created a topic of For the Third Time
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Female DOM × Male SUB. He's a delicacy on the dinner plate, gradually swallowed by her....

  • Author: Chu秋/chu qiu
  • Genres: Webtoons / Josei / Adult / Mature / Smut
Imek add manga to list UNPARALLELED FEMDOMS ⛓

Female DOM × Male SUB. He's a delicacy on the dinner plate, gradually swallowed by her....

  • Author: Chu秋/chu qiu
  • Genres: Webtoons / Josei / Adult / Mature / Smut

Reasons to jump on this:
- fl strapped up to God
- ml riding tht shi like his life depends on it
- the pining and need for praise??? Mwah
- pretty ahh art
- scenes so hot yu gonna hv to scrub yuh nub after reading

Reasons to cry:
- it’s a one shot

Imek created a topic of Swallow My Dog

You fr did Gods work w this one

Imek created a topic of In the Doghouse
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A long time ago, a traveler knocked on the door of an innocent young man's house and asked for ...

  • Author: shin yuri
  • Genres: Smut / Fantasy / Historical / Romance / Supernatural / Webtoons
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Is Yoon Do-young, an antagonist and boss, or a cam boy? I found a secret that is absolutely profitab...

  • Author: Tim Takkong
  • Genres: Smut / Webtoons / Adult / Mature
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It’s Ye-eun’s 32nd birthday, but she’s not feeling too great. After her lingerie l...

  • Author: jinmi
  • Genres: Mature / Romance / Smut / Webtoons
Imek created a topic of Like A Wind On A Dry Branch

So we back to square one (´°ω°`)

Imek created a topic of Boy Skirt (TORINO Shino)

CUTEEEEEEEEEE (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Imek created a topic of Until you beg so sweetly

Guys she walked, so Shakespeare could RUNNNNN
My girl is the fastest dirty scenario thinker ik, she gets downnnnnnn
Her mind don’t playyyyyy

Idk I think the fls calm so far
Yeh she dipped but she apologised so even if it was mean of her at least she was somewhat accountable??
Plus she probably broke it off bc she thought she wouldn’t be able to do sm type stuff w him, again yeh she could’ve told him abt it but surely that shows she knows what she wants at least.
I’m just happy the cover wasn’t clickbait
So I’ll stick around to see how this goes (≧∀≦)

Imek created a topic of First Impressions

Bro this is why ppl that love femdom shit, including me, have trust issues
Why do artists keep making covers like this when the plot’s literally the most basic, overdone and subservient shit you’ve read smothered with vanilla (/TДT)/

Imek created a topic of Just Twilight

Ik this jarring ahh family is not hating from outside the club when they can’t even get it in like???
Dial back and sit tf down, who is inviting you into her business ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Imek created a topic of Where the Heart Is

To the person tht said the ml reminded them of Gintoki ilysm

So I was seeing a lot of hate on the fl and obviously it’s early days so there hasn’t been much time to form an opinion but for ppl like me that were curious abt the story, but hesitated bc of the comments, she’s really not that bad .

If anything she gives me Tohru (Fruits Basket) vibes? Yes she does cry and she isn’t the most confident person but I wouldn’t negatively call her a damsel in distress, I feel like she’s just ordinary in both power and upbringing so in contrast to FLs that come from power (even if they weren’t loved wtv wtv) it just makes sense that she’d be and feel helpless in her situation. Like I doubt anyone here could be starved, betrayed and yada yada with no friends, connections or family to speak of and not feel a wee bit depressed, especially if it’s in such a short period.
Like what is one person meant to do against a whole royal family member? Shit I’d be asking the Emperor to fight my battles too

Plus she’s even trying to move on from her past standing up to the other girl, so idk…I’m all for strong Fls don’t get me wrong, I actually get the ick of the supremely weak and frail ones that have the power to change yet refuse to - they’re jarring asf but I feel like we shouldn’t demonise being soft hearted since everybody starts somewhere yk? Not everybody is born or brought up to have a high self esteem, to others it’s more of a process and growing experience. Obviously idk what her character’s gonna be like in the future but it’s insane to just write her off so quickly; especially when there are so many worse stories, characters and plots on this sight. Idk

But anyway, this was super long but I think she’s cute! And I’m proud of her for standing her ground ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

The way this was meant to be heart warming but my brain sees a man crying and just automatically rushes all my blood down south ☹
No composure no nothing like

Imek created a topic of The Man Next Door

pls say there are side chaps (/TДT)/

Imek created a topic of Boy Skirt (TORINO Shino)

Honestly I genuinely wish that more people can hv this ideology, especially as when you look through fashion history it’s so clear to see that its nature is inherently gender fluid. Like wearing makeup, skirts and high heels used to be the epitomes of western masculinity and even further back in other parts of the worldThe sad reality is that because of social constructs that try and assign gender to certain styles, aesthetics and attributes, not only are people’s creativity and way of expression limited; but it stunts their exploration of preferences and overall confidence :(

That’s something you especially see in ‘gender bender’, ‘cross dressing’ mangas or even just ‘normal ones’ where ppl get the ick if someone just steps out even a tiny bit out from the conventional, which tbh annoys me bc at least imo, there’s no such thing as cross dressing anyway- dress however tf you want!! Anyone who makes you feel worth less bc of it, is just mad you’re not as insecure and as self limiting as them. Tell em to suck their mums, like deadass they can go fuck themselves. They just can’t stand you being able to freely express and love yourself, and in turn; reject you in order to not realise how pathetic they are, period.

Maybe I’m just extra passionate abt this bc I’m a Fashion student but idk I just love it when things like this are discussed without being biased/ enabling toxic masculinity or other gender stereotypes, so hopefully this manga doesn’t go to shit lol