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s.nuaah September 9, 2020 5:27 am

This is a really good one, I was pleasantly surprised. The villainess here is good, I like her type of evil.

s.nuaah September 8, 2020 5:55 am

Umm I need more

s.nuaah September 7, 2020 11:08 pm

Yo lowkey im getting confused bc the dialogue is weird as hell

s.nuaah August 3, 2020 11:47 pm

When glenn said youre like a miracle like walking on water I was like

s.nuaah July 23, 2020 3:26 am

uke speaking his mind and refusing to be pushed around? queen shit

s.nuaah July 11, 2020 4:23 pm

I loved this to pieces. And they really do have a lot of sex >///<

s.nuaah June 7, 2020 7:07 am

.....lowkey this is my dream scenario...
my bi heart can’t take this T—T

    Trixie June 9, 2020 7:43 pm

    I felt that

    pkx124 June 9, 2020 7:53 pm

    i meant to like, sorry ╥﹏╥

s.nuaah May 31, 2020 5:58 am

Wait wait y’all I’m confused. Y’all making it sound as if MD did some real bad shit...but it seems fine? He said in the beginning that chanwoo didn’t have to do anything if he didn’t want to...and when chanwoo uses the safe word, he immediately stopped?? I’m confused ladies pls explain

    Souda boi May 31, 2020 6:21 am

    We were upset because MD was doing something that Chanwoo obviously wasn't happy with. Yes BDSM is a play that thrives on giving up control temporarily but it's a Dom's responsibility to make sure the sub is consenting and to not push the sub into saying the safe word. It's a safe word for a reason. It isn't something a Dom should push to make the sub say it.
    Also MD was just being a dick in the first place. He was salty cause Chanwoo didn't want to get in a relationship. MD shouldn't have let that affected his play.

    Cheylord May 31, 2020 6:22 am

    it’s because md set this up knowing that chanwoo just got his heart broken and was vulnerable. not to mention that he knew chanwoo was continuously in abusive relationships and so is likely scared to be abandoned for saying "no". so md was knowingly manipulating and taking advantage of an abuse victim

    Rin May 31, 2020 6:36 am

    Are you confused why he didn't stop before the safe word came up?
    MD asked chanwoo if he wanted to do this in the beginning with the other guy and chanwoo gave his consent. when chanwoo started saying no after they started MD said chanwoo could stop this any time he wanted, basically implying he needed to say the safeword and they would. In BDSM a safeword is placed so when used it revokes any consent before in that moment. Usually it's the subs responsibility to use the safeword to tell the dom they're at their breaking point. A safeword is meant to be unambiguous, so normal signs people would use to show they're not okay with something like saying no wouldn't work because it could be interpreted differently. If your partner in bed says icecream all of a sudden its a specific signal to stop completely, slow down, or switch direction in bed all together, all which is to be discussed beforehand with the two involved.

    Hope this helps, sorry if I'm bad at explaining things.

    Souda boi May 31, 2020 6:56 am
    Are you confused why he didn't stop before the safe word came up? MD asked chanwoo if he wanted to do this in the beginning with the other guy and chanwoo gave his consent. when chanwoo started saying no after ... Rin

    Yes you're completely right. The only thing I was upset about was the fact that MD was purposely trying to get Chanwoo to say the safeword (as you can see a couple chapters back and in this one I feel he was doing that again) the safeword is used when a Dom *accidentally* takes it too far. A Dom should never try to push a sub to that breaking point

    Rin May 31, 2020 7:31 am
    Yes you're completely right. The only thing I was upset about was the fact that MD was purposely trying to get Chanwoo to say the safeword (as you can see a couple chapters back and in this one I feel he was do... Souda boi

    I do have a theory on that and would love your opinion. I believe that because of chanwoo's past relationships he values himself very little and doesn't think he's in a position to say no to his partners. Which is why he goes along with everything even if he doesn't like it. I think in the previous chapters MD realized this and kept pushing him to say the safeword to make a point with Chanwoo that he can say no if he's not okay with something. Which is why he tested chanwoo with the threeome cause he wanted him to say no. It's unfortunate that instead of talking it out MD pushed Chanwoo to his limits with the play. MD was definitely not a good dom for putting chanwoo in that position while knowing he was anxious, but I think this is why he did that. Not because he was trying to manipulate him or upset chanwoo rejected him like some people think.

    shavambacu May 31, 2020 8:35 am

    First, MD clearly sees that Chanwoo is uncomfortable, but continues and tries to force him into saying the safeword. When he doesn’t, he resorts to choking him. Then, MD’s old sub tricks Chanwoo, and after he reveals his plans to Chanwoo and MD, MD takes advantage to use his old sub even though the reveal clearly hurt Chanwoo. He then makes them perform sexual acts for him and to each other, even though Chanwoo is hesitant, and again, he tries to coerce Chanwoo into saying something but of course he has too much pride and won’t. So he continues the play all just to get Chanwoo to react and most likely get him back/into a relationship with him.
    With D/s play, you can’t just wait for your sub’s safeword to stop. You have to pay attention to all the signs and put their needs first. I don’t think MD is a good Dom, at least not with Chanwoo when his personal interests are in the way.

    Souda boi June 2, 2020 6:19 am
    I do have a theory on that and would love your opinion. I believe that because of chanwoo's past relationships he values himself very little and doesn't think he's in a position to say no to his partners. Which... Rin

    Yes! I can completely see that! I can see where MD would want Chanwoo to be able to see that he can say no. I don't necessarily think he was intentionally being manipulative I think he just let his personal interests take it too far. Because he did seem like he regretted it whenever Chanwoo finally said the safe word and he said that he was sorry. He might've just been guilty about pushing Chanwoo to that limit or he could've realized that what he did was wrong.

s.nuaah May 30, 2020 6:57 pm

Anyone else getting bad vibes from the queen

s.nuaah May 28, 2020 4:49 am

The anime is so promissingggg ugh.

There's not many crossdressing animes with hitmen and murder so it's safe to say that this series made my happy vibes tingle.

For those of ya'll who want to continue Lin and Banba's adventures for a bit longer, there is a translated version of the light novel that's updated...I think? Either way, its two light volumes worth of content so give it a shot.

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