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eden followed a goer
30 12,2023
eden followed a goer
30 12,2023
eden asked a question

okay so there’s this yaoi that i’ve been trying so hard to find and i canttt i just keep remembering little parts of the plot. okay so like i’m pretty sure it’s an omegaverse?? but this omega pretends to be a beta bcz his best friend doesn’t like omegas im pretty sure and his friend like protectively uses his pheromones around him not knowing he can sense them and the omega dude is always smoking cigs to calm himself down.

eden asked a question

okay so there’s this yaoi that i’ve been trying to hard to find and i canttt i just keep remembering little parts of the plot. okay so like i’m pretty sure it’s an omegaverse?? but this omega pretends to be a beta bcz his best friend doesn’t like omegas im pretty sure and his friend like protectively uses his pheromones around him not knowing he can sense them and the omega dude is always smoking cigs to calm himself down.