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Ponyo October 8, 2020 7:22 am

I was just skipping along the pages because they were being pretty slow paced for me and just weren’t interesting only for me to get on page 63 and read “I wish she had kept living in Oregon.”
Like what?! Bruh, I live in Oregon! (≧∀≦) It’s not everyday I get to read something related to Oregon without it being on the news

Ponyo October 7, 2020 6:15 pm

I get confessing is hard and I love people being so determined to their goals, but if you’re going to go declaring your “love” to the girlfriend of your crush, you might as well just it to the guy!
She better not be causing unnecessary drama in the future, especially for sensei’s first drama! Or she’s about to catch these hands (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
But really, characters like these need to go confess before they start saying things like this.

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