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CathyK's experience ( All 0 )

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CathyK's question ( All 1 )

I always set up around 20 alarms to wake me up and ask my sister to help me waking up, and then I don't remember anything. According to my family members and friends I do wake up. They tell me I always wake up, stand up and turn off my alarms. Sometimes they even tell me I go to the kitchen for food. There was also a time according to them in which I served them a cake I baked. (I bake as a hobby). I don't know if I sleep walk but they tell me my eyes are open. And apparently I don't talk I just grumble. I don't know if I'm being lazy or if I'm sleepwalking. I don't remember anything when I wake up for sure. I don't drink any type of alcoholic beverage. Both of my older brothers used to sleep walk. They'd try to jump off the window from the or drive the car in their sleep. I know my family has history with sleep walking, but I suspect this might just be me being lazy and not remembering anything. BUT, I know for a fact I would never consciously turn off my alarms. Even so, I do things I don't remember and it's a major inconvenience. It started one year ago and it got worse during Quarantine. I've been missing important stuff to do because of this and I don't know how to fix the problem. Does anybody have any advice??
18 05,2020

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