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Unicornrhein created a topic of Groan

When i saw the first few panels of episode 1 OH MY FCKING GOD it was so embarrassing why are you peeping

Unicornrhein asked a question

My mangago setting won't go back to mobile mode. It's permanently on desktop mode all of a sudden is it just me? Please send help

Unicornrhein created a topic of Gentle Forest

Why's my mangago setting not changing. All of a sudden it's like it's been permanently turned into desktop pode qnd it won't go back OMG

Unicornrhein created a topic of Sweet Not Sugar

I'm not trying to shame or overstep my boundary as a reader but what was that TT the sparks was gone with the new art style

Unicornrhein created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

He really told Seram about the baby

THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I FOUND OUT THAT SMURF SPIRIT GUY IS THE ML??? are y'all for real? I would rather eat dog treats than witness their wedding and child urrghhh

Unicornrhein created a topic of Healer

Does sejin have healing powers? I'm so confused on what's happening

Unicornrhein created a topic of Cry Me a River

Why is Mieum's balls so small and deflated AHHAHAHAH it's so cute and squishy omfg

that "you can see me?" Dialogue from the devil reminds me of Athanasia and Lucas

Unicornrhein created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)


AHAHAHWHWH the way i literally laughed out loud in my bed just munutes after waking up he did her dirty with that vibrant rainbow hair HAHAHHAHW