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Suha's experience ( All 0 )

Suha's answer ( All 2 )

about dating
Hmm well idk if someone will see this and give me an answer but I have NEVER dated or even kissed bc my parents were too strict but now I'm 17 and I.....I just don't know how to love man! Like how do u do it? Like loving someone bc now even if my brain says I like someone I only see it as that there personality is nice or there a nice guy and bc o......   reply
10 05,2020
about dating
Hmm it's really up to u man, on how u wanna tell her and if u wanna tell her but as in the other comments it's best to discuss it with her on how ur feeling and also ask her how she is feeling about this and does she have any problem in this relationship and if she opens up to u that's good! And try to discuss it while doing relaxing and just casua......   reply
10 05,2020

Suha's question ( All 0 )