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ta mere created a topic of Just Twilight

Homeboy acts like he just witnessed a murder

"You can make up for leaving me alone for so long back in the bedroom" AND WE SCREAMED

This manhwa is so cute omfg lucky mc, she gets to experience being a teenage girl in love again :')

ta mere created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

That's a fucking war weapon

ta mere created a topic of First Love, Lasting Hate

she needs to end up with second lead idc idc, there's literally no chemistry between her and her childhood friend

What even was the point of the whole necklace ordeal if the author wasnt gonna reintroduce Emiliano in the story?? God, made me have my hopes up for nothing.

ta mere created a topic of First Love, Lasting Hate

girl stand up you barely even know that man fym most important person lmaoo

ta mere created a topic of My Sister's Private Life

I'm so invested with the relationship between Yundo and the black haired sister

ta mere created a topic of Free in Dreams
ta mere created a topic of I Thought It Was Time!

where tf is the ml wtf it's been so many chapters? idgaf about white hair dude im sorry not sorry

ta mere created a topic of My Sister's Private Life

can anyone make a sacrifice and buy the fast passes on webtoon for us... IM OBSESSED WITH THIS. I NEED MORE. ESP BETWEEN YUNDO AND THE BLACK HAIRED SISTER OMFG ITS GIVING SOULMATES.

ta mere created a topic of Viola Tames the Duke

Historical dramas have been HITTING lately... my obsession is now back!!

Does anyone know when the raws are gonna update?? It's been 3 months help

ta mere created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Ik all the gym dudes are jealous of him

ta mere created a topic of Just Twilight

He's really passive aggressive like his mom. I don't hate him but I do agree that it's weird how he keeps forcing himself on her when clearly she doesn't wanna be bothered, and middles into the relationship of her and the black hair boy. That's none of his business.

ta mere created a topic of On-Air

Bro someone gotta upload the rest pls.