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Just Random created a topic of Lily of the Valley

You both can fck but please give Anna a good lady that will love her

Cuz fck lily bruh ugh I hate her the duchess and that white haired lady can fck 24/7 just leave my baby Anna alone

Me lying in my bed unmoving
The cause: cuteness overload

Just Random created a topic of Eleceed
Just Random created a topic of Lily of the Valley

Anna my poor baby
Come grab my hand lets run away together

Please chapter 5 broke my heart to pieces she deserves better


Just Random created a topic of All's Nice!
Just Random created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

Wait.... Who's Johee?
Eh? What? Ehhhh?

Did jinjoo have a older sister?
Is there another woman involved while he was away "making money" to pay his debt??

Just Random created a topic of I Favor The Villainess

I just finished the anime and I feel so single rn
I might take a break from reading yuri for a while...
(The anime is good tho hehehe)


I was just reading the novel a few hours ago too
Today is such a great day

No way I read those chapters within a few seconds

Im very interested in their childhood memories and the pov's of their father :3

Just Random created a topic of She is Also Cute Today

Please bring them back I've been waiting for so long for both the manhua and cdrama