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iipockyii created a topic of A Terrible Romance

IDGAF about no one in this story besides Taehwan, ugh my glorious king

This chasing arc is tewww good. I love how Mokwha isn’t letting him have it easily. He needs to put in a lil more work

iipockyii created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

The ML is so fine

iipockyii created a topic of Peach Boy (Yooyoung)

I am a sucker for an unusual story, and unique visuals, but I’m disappointed by this one. I’m not sure if it’s the translation or if it’s a failure on the authors part but there’s a clear lack of substance with this story. Things happen for the sake of happening and it doesn’t feel like there’s any real method behind what we’re seeing. I also think some of the art choices in the story also aren’t great, the style is gorg is more just how the author choose to protray some things. Again it sucks because I feel like there was a foundation for something great but yeah. The story telling is so weak it makes it hard to sit through

iipockyii created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Small super slight spoiler warning?

I just read the Raws and imo the story actually gets better, I feel like the starts was super shaky, and I thought this would just be a story about the torture of the MC, based on what I saw there’s a bit more than that, we see the MC family dynamics, the two male leads are actually not terrible by BL standards (I prefer the grey haired one” and I think while reading I started to sympathize with the MC and really root for him. The whole shock factor they had in the beginning of the story rlly didn’t help, but I think the author learned that and tried to write a better story from what I can tell. I don’t speak Korean lol. I’m not saying this story is perfect it’s still too early to tell but I def see potential in it taking off

iipockyii created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

This ML needs to get send to PRISON, IMMEDIATELY

iipockyii created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Who’s white baby is that?!?


The sister thing is very hard to ignore but the masc couple makes me wanna stick around

iipockyii created a topic of Not in Vain

I love how upfront the MC is about his feelings and what he is thinking, any misunderstanding he tries to correct and he’s always there to ease the mind of the ML. Unfortunately the ML can’t do the same, and causes unnecessary trouble for the MC, ugh he makes me so mad sometimes.

iipockyii asked a question

I’m over the BLs that have main characters in college or highschool. Please give me older men yaoi, I’m talking like at a minimum 35 years of age, preferably both partners should be older, but I don’t mind legal age gaps ( so like someone who’s 25 with someone who’s 40)

iipockyii created a topic of Jinx

If my grandson chose a piece shit rapist over my own health, I think I would rise from the dead to whoop his ass. How is this even a hard decision???

iipockyii asked a question

All these evil semes are getting away with no Consequences, please I need a revenge BL where the mc seeks revenge on an ex lover, please and thank u

iipockyii created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

I’m def dropping this, evil seme and brain dead mc who falls for him. I cannot deal.

iipockyii created a topic of Red Mansion

The long hair helped with characterization and made him look older, the new hair cut is much more “cute”. I think it’s interesting that the author chose to cut his hair at this time. People say that hair holds memories, so maybe cutting his hair was a choice by the author to symbolically show his changing mindset. Notice how towards the end mini mart said he can’t even distinguish between reality and dreams, oh so conveniently after cutting his hair (hair gone=memories gone).

Folks also brought up how it makes him look younger which again plays into the story. Mini mart was the sole care taker for his parents, he tended to the shop, he took care of the meds, etc. Much of his innocence was robbed while living in the red mansion, the place forced him to grow up quickly. Now that he’s becoming more dependent on the Male lead it could symbolize how he’s regaining a sense of “innocence” as crazy as it may be. Cheongrim takes “care”’of minimart, this is the first time in a while anyone has ever done that. Like I said, the red mansion robbed his innocence, minimart got a haircut outside the red mansion aka he was regaining it back. Do y’all see the connections? I can explain my thoughts further if this didn’t make sense

iipockyii asked a question

this is so specific but does anyone have a BL where the mc has a really good sense of style, fashion, or is like a fashionista??

iipockyii asked a question

Authors need to stop being cowardly and start giving us switch couples, srsly there’s so much lost potential

iipockyii asked a question

Controversial take but BL manwhas peaked in 2016-2020 everything after that feels like hot garage

iipockyii created a topic of Geolson's Past

Ur telling me the male lead was given a second chance and he still somehow managed to fuck it up??? He’s not serious cuz girl why would u do that.