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Chibi's feed

Chibi created a topic of Alpha mate

Hmm, I'm so confused. Is it because of the translation? I don't know?
Why did the uke do that? Why try to die in the fire? Why disapear? Why did the seme's father not do anything when he saw he son literally dying of loneliness? What about the seme's atempt of suicide? Also what was everyone doing when he tried to kill himself?
And about the second couple, nothing makes sense to me? What I undertood at first was that the uke had feelings for the seme, but the seme was happy with just a sex relationship, and because of that they separated? But then all that struggle was so confusing? Did they just misunderstand each other? Why so much running around? Also did he cut himself because of his feelings for the seme?
I'm so confused....