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Yuuki created a topic of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi

Okay i like manga and updates but like please not a whole 5 to 10 chapters at once too much to read and too little time i got

Yuuki created a topic of Smyrna & Capri
Yuuki created a topic of Good Boy Addiction

Well i knew this would happen
This author all her stories are like this and usually end up with happy ending
But the roller coaster of emotions is deep yall XD

Yuuki created a topic of Steel Under Silk

Literally thinking of dropping it
No progress in the story

Anyone spoil me something that gives motivation to continue reading this thing

Yuuki created a topic of The Titan's bride

I don't get it. Are they fwb or together like caius and koichi?

Yuuki created a topic of Good Boy Addiction

Most likely they will break up or he will change his fetishes somehow or another

Yuuki created a topic of Remnant JUJIN Omegaverse

I mean we all have seen spoilers about jins beauty but damn even when he is old he is gorgeous

One sentence and i think you all will agree with me on it :


Yuuki created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

Anyone knows when S2 will start?

Yuuki created a topic of Goodbye to Destiny

We need more of the 2nd couple

I appreciate the update
But all pages are jumbled and not in order

Yuuki created a topic of Uncle Cool
Yuuki created a topic of From Maid to Mother

Did the scan group dropped this?