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Lovlis February 24, 2021 6:28 am

your favorite manga/hwa/hua that isn't BL? Although I prefer manga it doesn't really matter. Would like a a title name/link instead of a list but i'm not picky. Thx! :)

Lovlis February 23, 2021 10:04 am

random question but
So lets say a mother teaches her child to always abide by the textbook definition of words. Later her child gets in trouble in school for shouting "can that bitch just shut up!"- She was talking about the female dog outside that was barking like crazy. Obviously bitch is often seen as pretty vulgar to use, esp young children. The mother argues with the school since her daughter was using the literal definition of bitch, which is a female dog. In your opinion who is right/correct? Should ppl be responsible and take note of socially constructed meanings and context?

    Letmesniffyourpantsu February 23, 2021 10:10 am

    Imo the mother is at fault. It is expected of other people to react like that, because no one well most people don't call a female dog a bitch. She should have told her child that it is best not to call a female dog that.
    But I think it's best to teach your child how words are used in nowadays society and not the literal definition. But the school also didn't react right. If the kid told his pov the school should have been a little more understanding.

    Yaoi whore February 23, 2021 10:23 am

    First thing is how old the is the child? If the child is pretty young then the child should be taught in the context of how the world sees something. Not by the actual definition.
    If the child is a bit grown, tell the child that it was the parent's fault, that the child should also consider the social context of a word.
    The mother should accept that she's wrong instead of arguing.
    Secondly the school dealt with it in a wrong way. Whether the child's young or not ,they can always be taught with a friendly discussion. They could've told the child that "bitch" isn't exactly used everywhere. Explaining a person is the best way to deal anything like this. If this happens again then the teacher should've called the parents and explain rather than arguing.
    So both the school and the mother are at fault. Not the child at all.

Lovlis February 22, 2021 5:16 am

It's been awhile, so this might be vague. I'm looking for a shoujo (i think) manga about a female lead who reincarnates. In every life, she always becomes childhood lovers with the "hero" of the country, but they always end up leaving her to go to the war and fall in love with someone else. After several times she becomes determined to live only for herself and to get a job, but the hero this time seems very loyal and stuff.

Lovlis January 23, 2021 11:18 am

the seme is hot af and openly gay, and the uke, his roommate is straight and pretty sexually active. The seme has a secret crush on his roommate and wears glasses. The uke accidently catches the seme in the act and becomes interested.

Lovlis December 26, 2020 9:30 am

its a bl with a cute seme who's real form is a chibi fairy. the uke picks him up or smth and the seme has the ability to make ppl happy.

Lovlis November 22, 2020 9:27 pm

i was just reading it but lost it.
It's a shounen-ai gender bender story, guy confesses to his bff and then gets rejected and then gets run over by a car. A god allows him to live again in any body, the boy chooses to live in a girl's body that is his bff's type. Another girl falls in love with said guy (now in a girl's body). The guy (in a girl's body) is set on making the bff fall in love with him. He also has to do it in order to go back to his old body (which is in a coma).

Lovlis September 26, 2020 9:37 pm

yaoi manga in which the uke in a russian agent or spy and he is commissioned to spy on a mafia group. The right hand man is the seme who the uke knew from before or smth and they were close.

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