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cesuke created a topic of Hate Mate

These fucking lines broke me and I cried real hard like wtf they are so realistic for this. It doesn't matter how many time I read them, they just fucking hurts.

"I've just had a hard time getting attached to places ever since we stopped living together." Omg HW. It must be so hard to go home at your place without feeling it like your real home because Subin wasn't there anymore. It's just that I hate how he treated Subin especially gaslighting him about the sex and of course the umbrella scene. I do believe on second chances sometimes. I just dont think he deserves it as a potential lover, but the chance to be forgiven so he can finally move on with the fact that Subin wont be coming back. His mistakes can be forgiven but not forgotten, imo.

"If he ends up breaking up with me, how will he remember me." Of all the things that you did good and the happy memories that you both shared, it pains me the most that what caused the heartbreaks will be the most difficult to forget. Like the lines he said after this, the laundry, the nagging fuck as if it's just what your relationship was made of before it ended. As if you were never happy and you never loved each other before.

"I'm too scared to be apart from you and think on my own now but you don't seem to care at all." I felt this on a spiritual level because I can't imagine anymore what my life will be if I break up with my partner. Like they are always part of whatever dreams I want and plans I do. For sure, Subin has his own set of goals but having a partner, you will always be considerate of what they will feel or what they want to before making a decision. It's not just about yourself anymore.

Man, I love this manhwa so fucking much. After rereading S1, I realized how I hated the ending because it seemed an open ending and there wasn't any closure or whatsoever. This hurts so good that I dont want it to end. Yet, I still want Jun and Subin to be happy so please reconcile soon.