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cesuke created a topic of Night Song


cesuke created a topic of Eternal Covenant

This feels like Yuk* and Maf*** all over again. Ue deserves better and so does Ian. They are not rebounds. PLEASE. (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻

cesuke created a topic of Define The Relationship

Me: (ノಥ,_」ಥ)ノ彡┻━┻

cesuke created a topic of Written in the stars

I thought for a sec that it was the same alpha but the mole is in diff location???

cesuke created a topic of Night Song

Did my lord di333???

cesuke created a topic of Eternal Covenant

I appreciate the slow burn and the character building but this seems like that the love triangle is between Ian, Brian & Sol, not the MC with the dragons and for some reason I'm hurting because of it. Even before the backstory, I already hate it that they were like seeing the past self and not Ian. Idc if he's Brian's reincarnation but obviously they are different person.

If you can't move on with your past, then don't drag Ian in this emotional fuckfest.