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Krixel created a topic of Jinx

Is obsessing over stories like this where there's a douchebag Seme, just for the satisfying chasing arc. But it HAS TO BE A GOOD CHASING ARC or I will regret even waiting every chapter of this manhwa.


Shurya: Kardi? What are you thinking about?
Kardi: S3X!.. I mean you look
⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Krixel created a topic of Trigger Happy Session

This is the first time I'm reading this but I feel like I've encountered this scene (ch 4) multiple times already. I think I'm tweaking

Krixel created a topic of Sugar Rain

It's so painful to wait ╥﹏╥

Krixel created a topic of Non-Refundable Alpha

Maybe eventually you fall in love with him. But as an adult, this kind of relationship is what we want. A SUPER handsome, SUPER rich, SUPER in love with you, would do anything for you HUNK OF A MAN. Who would not want that? If your a broke ass adult with a right set of mind, why would you reject such a man? For Love?? Love comes later. I can fall in love with anyone who can make me live a peaceful, bountiful, flavourful life.

Krixel created a topic of Finder

That was the cutest sh*t ever!!!