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Broccoliking December 30, 2020 12:52 am

This touched my heart in so many ways. While not completely, the work portraits the conservative views and discrimination that LGBTQ+ people face on the daily. Being conditioned by society to hide your identity to the point of hating your very being is something so awful and hard to live through. As we had seen with the "jealous" boyfriend, he tried to hide his true self, he wanted to be "normal". But who stated that the normal was a relationship between a man and a woman? Being surrounded by all the hate and your own self-hatred makes someone do such bad things to themselves. While the boyfriend's actions aren't justified in any way we are clearly able to see the cause. The scene where they tried to get officially married broke my heart. An institution of law denying you the right to marry someone you deeply love is heartbreaking. The alienization and distress it brings must be so taxing on the individuals. Thankfully there is a way to form a partnership but the reality of the situation where a society discriminates against people it swears to protect is ,plainly said, awful and all I can wish and hope for is nothing more than changes of the current ways in the near future. All in all, this was am amazing work showing the reality of living life as an LGBTQ+ individual in today's society. The struggles that the author experienced throughout his life are a raw and painful reality for many but there is always someone waiting for you be it a friend or a lover.

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