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Monki asked a question

BxG because BL has a lot. Uncensored please 'cause I've had enough of lightsabers. I've seen so many lightsabers that anytime now I'll forget what the real ones look like(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜.

Monki like question

Can yall rec me some wholesome nice bl or like at least they are nice to each other like utgl, pizza delivery guy n the gold palace, shutline etc? Cus I js read unfinished business n it was so damn toxic I need a restart

Monki like question

Can you guys share book any genre that traumatized you so much, won't reccomend it and the reason.

For me it's Boys next door, Love Prism, Pearl Boy, Killing Stalking and a lot more ╥﹏╥
I only finished boys next door but the rest I just gave up..

No hate & judging please