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I've been reading mangas that get updated after 4-5 months and one manga getting updated after 7 years. I think it'll be fine. It makes it easier for the author too. Just find new obsession. Life isn't about one manhwa/manga. Don't comment entitled comments while reading illegally lmao.

ajonais created a topic of Eternal Covenant

Finally came to read it and man, the flashback feels longer than my 22 years of existence.

ajonais created a topic of Given

It's been 84 years. I am at peace. My obsession has finally found the cure. Onggggg

ajonais created a topic of Topsy-Turvy

When is the first couple coming back? Why is the author focusing on this? What's the point

ajonais created a topic of Jinx
ajonais created a topic of Ore wo Mite
ajonais created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Oh. Oh. Oh!!
Love how dramatic the pace is going. Angst and all aside, I like how the story is actually going (might regret this later). As a literature student, rape manhwas are a plague but this one is actually getting good.

ajonais created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Man I wanna smack that pinkie's face and her teeth off

The seme needs to be rammed by a truck like dick into his ass hole so that the uke can have a holiday and rest from the suffering he's going thru. The seme needs to go.

Rape is like a fetish to these authors but man, this was funny. Maybe because of the fonts and how curt the sentences were idk, haven't slept properly.

ajonais created a topic of Contradict

Reading such mangas kind of made me realise that I'll never get to live some of the fluffy romances this internet has thrown at my face. Kind of depressing, kind of okay with it. Life never works the way you really want it to, it's okay, it's alright. Gwenchana gwenchana.

ajonais created a topic of My Calypso

Man, i came back to read this and forgot the twist at the end of the series. Hope there’ll be another yaoi version of greek mythology lmao

ajonais created a topic of Love Jinx

Man, every new notification takes a decade of life from me

Well, damn! The car almost crashed. Or will it?

ajonais created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Diana’s story is like one of those reddit stories. Marries into rich but forgets about the prenup/will and then acts pikachu shooketh when they find out they’ve got nothing in their name except for ego/pride and low IQ. And the crown prince, from what I’ve read from the comments, seems like he “wanted” Diana and wanted to win the competition with his own friend. Now, he’s starting to “want” Hestia, but, since he’s married to the pink trophy from the previous competition, he can see his own delusional and shallow state.
From the spoilers in the previous many comments, at least this will be having a good ending.

ajonais created a topic of Daraku Kazoku-ron

Hope the kid isn’t related to them but hope they still become a family lmao. Shitty bandmate, shitty girlfriend.

ajonais created a topic of Yours to Claim

I gave up reading this and haven’t read the new chapters but this author on Colleen Hoover level. I don’t mean it as a compliment lmao

ajonais created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

all that angst just to have a fluffy af ending. not complaining, but that stalker royal guy (don't remember his name, don't wanna either) I want to see his death but I won't be reading the raws anymore because I'm illiterate in Korean.

I avoided reading such mangas but i guess my urge to read people die won