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CrystalAris November 29, 2016 1:49 am

Have You ever felt so hungry that you make yourself food, and when it's completed sitting in front of you... you put it away cause for some reason you no longer are hungry... it's been happening a lot lately....><

Is it just my timing?

    seraph02 November 29, 2016 1:56 am

    Yeah it happens to me too...since you made it, after finishing you don't ceel like eating anymore.

    CrystalAris November 29, 2016 2:10 am
    Yeah it happens to me too...since you made it, after finishing you don't ceel like eating anymore. seraph02

    Thanks ^^, I was worried I was the only one (felt that way) ^^'

    KyoZaNa✿ November 29, 2016 6:35 am

    Never happens to me. I always enjoy the meal I made as I can make it the way I like. And I feel sooo good when others enjoy it too, makes more! make more!

    KyoZaNa✿ November 29, 2016 6:46 am

    Then one day I'll becomes piglet.. HA+

    Huppyvirus November 29, 2016 8:31 am

    Are you female? Because it might have to do with our satanic tendencies or "hormones" in science

    zephyr4 November 29, 2016 9:50 am

    Happens to me every time. The worst thing about it is that I always start making myself food when I'm very low on glucose (I'm stupid for doing that but I'm very lazy and get up only when my hunger has gotten the better of me). So by the time I've cooked myself something, I'm always near fainting but I don't want to least not an hour after I've cooked. And when I do eat I'm so hypoglycaemic....I don't enjoy tid bit.
    Been a problem since the first day I started cooking....and it doesn't get better >_<"

CrystalAris November 28, 2016 12:42 am

I've read a good amount... ok, a lot (From Far Away, Skip Beat, Takane no Hana, etc.)

I'm currently open to practically anything that has a great story though it my drift off as long as it gets back on track. If there's a story where the MC and a black hair guy get together odds are I'll like it (so if yaoi I hope seme has black hair and if it's the regular relationship I'd love for the guy the MC gets with has black hair) though if it has a REALLY good story I'm open to blond ( and I'm referring to black and white here since sometimes when they are 'blond' they are really brunet.

Any suggestions I'd be really greatfull. m(_ _)m

CrystalAris October 13, 2016 5:38 pm

So my dad said my mom mentioned to him that I don't come out of my room enough. Sure I read manga and do other stuff in my room.

Though to be honest I need to, if I don't..., if I even pop my head out of my room mm will ask me to do something. like yesterday. She FINALLY started dinner at 4 pm, cutting beef for beef jerky (mom's not working [so she's home all day] and the beef's been in the fridge over a week) and asks me to make stir-fry sauce when I came out for the b-room. If it happened once in a while I wouldn't have an issue, but it happens all the time (PS if I start helping making super, mom sits down never to get up till its done _x_' ) also my brother never came out soooo I ended up with all the 'helping' so I decided to come out less often.

So it uses moms laziness against her. if she REALLY really wants ,ME to help then she has to come to my room to get me.... now if she'd learn to close the door on her way out... when its Closed upon entering Please Please.... close it on the way out.... I have to keep telling her.... it's like telling a guy spouse every time that the toilet seat needs to be put back down... though that was my grandma I had to tell it to.... I don't know why.........

    G€MIΠI October 13, 2016 7:06 pm

    This also happen to me because i've always stayed in the room and my mom will ask me to do house chores. I'm not really annoyed or mad about this because i do know i stayed in the room way too long and the house chores that i do is in my own house not only my parents.

    So i don't get why are you mad at your mother, that's just you being lazy. She's your mother, of course she doesn't want you to stay all day long in your room and don't expect her to come into your room for your help.

    You would know what I'm talking about when you see your mom can't stand for a long time (at least for my mom).

    CrystalAris October 13, 2016 9:13 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! MOI?

    I used to lock my door... but my 1st door knob my parents had the master key (and I could pick the lock ^^ annoyed the hell out of my older brother ) and the knob I have now.... doesn't need a key but a flat head screw driver... or your finger nail that easy... so locking doesn't work and if mom has enough motivation to get up to talk to me she's gonna nock... and I had better open that door or its my hide.

    And its too late about cooking... they know I can... that what I get for helping in the first place ( T﹏T ) so they'll know if I cut my finger.... besides mom still cuts her fingers on occasion ( ̄へ ̄.)

    CrystalAris October 13, 2016 9:39 pm
    This also happen to me because i've always stayed in the room and my mom will ask me to do house chores. I'm not really annoyed or mad about this because i do know i stayed in the room way too long and the hous... G€MIΠI

    You don't understand. I had no problem doing the chores in the first place.... if I was a single child. and I was fine helping. but if I cook, do the dishes, put them away (I'm not the only one eating hear) wash the bathroom, clean the floors....etc. and if I'm not around to do them... she has my dad do them.

    Even better, I have an OLDER Brother (sure acts like it *rolls eyes*{sarcasm here}) who hides in his room when I used to be out in the living room. fine I was spending time with my family, but you try getting asked to get your mother a Coke EVERY Time, while your brother is in his room playing on his computer for years before you decide you have enough of being the only one convenient enough to be asked, to get your mother a tissue, a plate of food that you cooked, an ear cleaner, nail clippers, the pin (yes for poking holes), a pencil or pen, the remote that's only 5 steps away from her, a bag of chips.... it not just house chores she asks of me, I'm a waiter that will never be paid and gets under appreciated while her favorite son is holed up in his room having a peachy time.

    after a few years... you get tired of it. I didn't have a problem doing chores... but when all the chores seem to end up in your lap.... don't for get mowing the lawn by myself, planting the flowers or vegetables in the garden... then get yelled at for not placing them where she wanted them AND she NEVER told you in the 1st place WHERE she wanted them.

    My mom is perfectly healthy (except for being fat but aren't we all, and a couch potato).
    She asks me why I never talk to her, but you can't TALK to her you have to CALL her to 'talk' to her... if you physically talk to her you get the teenage answers of one or two words out of her cause she ion her phone or I pad.... and you can't talk to her when she's on the phone...><'

    And boy if I got Fresh Hot Food three times a day for the rest of my life and all I had to do to get that meal was say thanks (nothing else) I too could be living the 'easy' life.

    I'm fine with doing my fair share and even some more... but when it's stacked in you r lap and if you don't do them your Dad gets the short end of the stick.... I have no clue why a guy as great as my dad even married her, sure he has a short temper but it was always justifiable. Hell my dad had to drive my mom where ever she wanted since she didn't want to drive....

    I don't think you can call me lazy. Fed up yes, pissed off? yes. Wants to learn how to be a bitch? Gladly. if it can get her to stand on her own two feet and get up off the couch to do something.... anything. Even when I didn't Cook DAD was the one to cook, mom it was microwave diners............... just what a growing kid needs, preservatives' MMMMMM...........>< yuck.

    Hell she doesn't even start dinner till some gets home to help her........

    sorry I know I sound like a whinny brat, and I'll accept that, but I found what I want....need In a spouse..... so yeah 100% sure I'll never be married, but I'm fine with that then I'll have a reason to do all the chores.... the mess in MY house would be MY mess NOT my mother's or brother.... seriously I clean the cabnet and they can put things away were they find them. clean the counter and 2 minutes later its just as messy as it was Before it was cleaned.... she wants to eat out all the time too... I'm sick of it... sigh.

    CrystalAris October 14, 2016 2:14 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! MOI?

    ^^ You know what? ^^ I Like You! that was priceless ^^

    you just made my day. Thank You! m(_ _)m XD

    ZhenSusu October 14, 2016 2:22 am
    You don't understand. I had no problem doing the chores in the first place.... if I was a single child. and I was fine helping. but if I cook, do the dishes, put them away (I'm not the only one eating hear) was... CrystalAris

    Let me tell you something. My mom is almost like yours in way. She never lifts a finger to do anything or learn anything for that matter. You know what I told her? I told her to go screw herself. Sorry, I know. I'm a bitchy daughter, but guess what? Takes one to know one. She tries to get me to do stuff, but I just don't do it. If she wants something, she can get it herself. It's women like those I hate the most. Kinda why I turned out the way I did. But since you're young, but if you're 17, you could actually emancipate yourself cause' that's kinda almost an adult age in a way, still a kid, but almost adult. Look it up. It should be in legal cases.

    CrystalAris October 14, 2016 2:33 am
    Let me tell you something. My mom is almost like yours in way. She never lifts a finger to do anything or learn anything for that matter. You know what I told her? I told her to go screw herself. Sorry, I know.... @ZhenSusu

    Thank you. I really mean it.

    It helps to know some one understands. I wouldn't go so far as a legal case, I'd just leave and rarely visit. ... not enough courage or 'gusto' ^^'

    But I think it's awesome you had the guts to say that to your mom.... my hide would be well tanned ^^' and mouth washed with soap...^^'

    And I wouldn't call you a 'bitch' when she had it coming.

    Again Thank you. (●'◡'●)ノ

CrystalAris October 2, 2016 11:20 pm

Till I found this website!

Most of the manga updates seem to be late Sunday and early Monday morning!

Warning after reading, Monday hate sensors will once again go off.

CrystalAris September 25, 2016 10:16 pm

And was asked if I was female, to which I answered 'yes'.

and was asked a few more yes or no questions.

And at the end of the questionnaire was told if I had answered 'yes' to any of the questions I should go to the doctor for an examination.


<sigh> Didn't know feminism was a disease

    Sofia September 25, 2016 10:45 pm

    actually, just by reading your post, i don't think answering "yes" to being female is related to feminism... maybe they're suggesting women go to the doctors for exams because of a common diseases amongst females etc etc

    Hello September 25, 2016 10:52 pm

    Hmm like the first anon I'm not sure I'm getting you here.
    What were the other questions on the test?

    KikiBee September 25, 2016 11:54 pm

    Or it was super poorly written and they meant the rest of the questions. And I think she meant they considered being female to be a disease

    CrystalAris September 26, 2016 12:52 am
    Or it was super poorly written and they meant the rest of the questions. And I think she meant they considered being female to be a disease KikiBee

    more than likely, I just thought it was funny how they didn't think about it before posting, but I guess it was the order on how they did the questions and the fact that they just want you to go to a doctor.

    KikiBee September 26, 2016 1:05 am
    more than likely, I just thought it was funny how they didn't think about it before posting, but I guess it was the order on how they did the questions and the fact that they just want you to go to a doctor. CrystalAris

    Yeah...I thpught it was funny too...probably some super busy think there would be a template but maybe not...any I've taken separate that so it doesn't sound stupid...

    I mean if you're a woman over 21 or if you've been sexually active then you should have a well woman its probably for that...

    CrystalAris September 26, 2016 1:10 am
    Yeah...I thpught it was funny too...probably some super busy think there would be a template but maybe not...any I've taken separate that so it doesn't sound stupid...I mean if you're a woman... KikiBee

    it was a 'woman' disease so I understand the question, but I couldn't help but comment to someone ^^

CrystalAris September 18, 2016 4:34 am

So I have a brother who acts like a cat. He ignores you till he wants something.

Mostly food. He hovers, goes 2 his room then comes back out, does something else to look 'busy' and so he 'earned' the right to eat (or avoid 'bigger' work). Best part he doesn't say anything (at least a cat can't speak human language [of my knowledge]) he just keeps coming back like a frick'n fly you absolutely want to kill (won't stop buzzing around you) but don't have a fly swatter ( and its not legal....-_-')

so the only way to get right of him is to 'offer' or 'ask' him if he wants to which he replies "Oh, its okay?" or "<flat tone here> Thanks." *as he grabs what he wants*

and even better if you say its okay, just once (and he likes what u are having) don't expect leftovers. He cooks frozen pizza, eats out, only leftovers he likes (if there were any left from when he... chowed down in the 1st place -_-), hamburger helper, hamburgers (premade and just need 2 be grilled, though precooked and frozen is better...since its less work), and other 'easy' crap.

Just to top it off if I make super and take 2hrs prep and cook, all I get is a flat 'thanks' not too much of an issue till it happens every time and ALL you get is 'thanks', doesn't put leftovers away when he's the last to eat them, doesn't do the dishes or even rinse dishes after putting the food away. Boy I'd LOVE to get a freshly cooked meal EVERY DAY. THREE times a DAY for the rest of my life, and ALL I have to do is just say "Thanks." and I don't have ta do nuth'en ..... Really!?!

<sigh> I respect you mothers. ... you know, except my mother since she does the exact same crap 'brother' does and has the nerve to say "How come the dishes aren't done!!?!!!!!" *warning Attitude included*

If it wasn't for my dad, I'd have had a childhood with a "stay-at-home" mother who cools easy mac, mac and cheese (yes they be the same flavor, but not company), cheap hot dogs (dad would shop the sales, mom....ugh... ...tsk)... you get the picture....

You know what screw it! I don't thank or respect "Mothers" I give a VERY BIG Thank You to All hard working Parents/ Guardians who actually give a crap and 'walk the walk'. You have my respect hard workers.

    LevixEren September 18, 2016 4:40 am

    Oh wow you're great!!! At first your to sounds funny but it super annoying to actually have to face your bro cat attitude =='. Have my respect!

    CrystalAris September 18, 2016 4:48 am
    Oh wow you're great!!! At first your to sounds funny but it super annoying to actually have to face your bro cat attitude =='. Have my respect! LevixEren

    ^^' thank you ^^' I need something, but hey I now don't mind living alone for the rest of my life ^^

    LevixEren September 18, 2016 5:41 am
    ^^' thank you ^^' I need something, but hey I now don't mind living alone for the rest of my life ^^ CrystalAris

    Hahaha my siblings are similar to your bro that made me frustrated a lot of time. So I understand how you feel!

CrystalAris August 31, 2016 8:44 pm

And it occurred to me.... Why isn't there a Girl MC for these types of manga, where she gets surrounded by really hot (and ripped would help ^^) guys?

Don't get me wrong I LOVE these manga, but I'm a girl and I don't want to just see a MC girl with only romance (its a nice side element) but I kinda want ta put myself in the RPG (not that I don't imagine). I wanna kick but and meet occasional guys on the way (have there moms glare at me and I don't know why) and save the world.

I know there are a few out there, Inuasha (very good, but MCs were Inusasha and Kagome felt like a 60-40 relation ship as MC and had romance as a heavy factor ...though the PS2 game had a fun story) and some other one where 2 girls were summoned one was pretty the other ended up w/ the power (not too bad a story but MC [ugly girl] was wishy-washy and it kinda felt like Figrusi (girl gets sucked into 4 gods book) which was romance (though I loved Tamahome and the Emperor..><).

Does anyone know if there's a good RPG like story where there's a Girl for MC? I've read Maid to Mother its great but only 1 ch in English so far. And the girl spider is awesome and funny and even better no romance... so far but hey here's hoping ^^ (no romance I mean)

here's my list of game like manga I like if you're curious what I'm looking for. Any suggestions would help. Thanks

    (=・ω・=) August 31, 2016 9:23 pm

    Basara if you dont mind old art. Maybe Slayers? (theres not much romance tho but the occasional hint of Lina/Gourry). Akatsuki No Yona is an obvious one and very popular. If you actually play RPGs and have a 3DS you should try Rune Factory 4 (play as a girl, fight in dungeons, marry a guy, etc) or one of the newer Fire Emblem games.

    CrystalAris August 31, 2016 9:36 pm
    Basara if you dont mind old art. Maybe Slayers? (theres not much romance tho but the occasional hint of Lina/Gourry). Akatsuki No Yona is an obvious one and very popular. If you actually play RPGs and have a 3D... @(=・ω・=)

    ^^ Played RF4 ^^ and other RF Loved them worst part was beating them Y.Y

    and I've read Akatsuki No Yona (even watched so far the only anime I fully 100% enjoyed).

    I'll try Basara though so thanks ^^. Also in Fire Emblem can you replay levels to level up the characters or is it just a straight shot story?

    You might like Tales of Vasperia and Tales of Symphonia (Dawn of the New world is the sequel and I played that 1st and got Emils perspective as a gamer if u play symphonia 1st you get the side characters perspective/ understanding since they stand up for Llyod Ierving)

    (=・ω・=) August 31, 2016 9:51 pm
    ^^ Played RF4 ^^ and other RF Loved them worst part was beating them Y.Yand I've read Akatsuki No Yona (even watched so far the only anime I fully 100% enjoyed).I'll try Basara though so thanks ^^. Also in Fire... CrystalAris

    There are areas where you can grind to level them up. :3 I love the Tales games too btw. The next one Berseria will have a female lead and some good looking guys in the party. Like Rokurou. Sorry for sidetracking with games lol

    CrystalAris August 31, 2016 10:53 pm
    There are areas where you can grind to level them up. :3 I love the Tales games too btw. The next one Berseria will have a female lead and some good looking guys in the party. Like Rokurou. Sorry for sidetracki... @(=・ω・=)

    That's Okay XD, Have you played tales of Xalia? one and/ or 2 I didn't like the title system and story for the 2nd one was ...err ^^'. And Xalia one was slightly connected to Vasparia I was sooo sad when the 4 gods were taken away from MC Girl, though the 2nd one I LOVE the King! Hate the the MC in 2nd one just makes sounds and single words, Hope they don't do the MC or the title (instead of grade) again.

    Is Berseria on PS4? if so....>< I don't plan on getting it since new counsels are starting 2 come out so frequently.

    (=・ω・=) August 31, 2016 11:27 pm
    That's Okay XD, Have you played tales of Xalia? one and/ or 2 I didn't like the title system and story for the 2nd one was ...err ^^'. And Xalia one was slightly connected to Vasparia I was sooo sad when the 4 ... CrystalAris

    I think it will be on PS4 and steam. So if your comp is good enough u may be able to run it.

    CrystalAris August 31, 2016 11:39 pm
    I think it will be on PS4 and steam. So if your comp is good enough u may be able to run it. @(=・ω・=)

    STEAM !!! So THERE! Thank you!!! Also Basara reminds me of Red River.

    Any Other games u recommend? cause a lot of games these days are somehow boring, cause I want good gameplay, good story and good controls, ... I know I'm being picky ^^'

    CrystalAris September 1, 2016 11:27 pm

    found a 'lady' one its really good so far!

CrystalAris August 29, 2016 1:12 pm

I want to be able to talk about some of the stories, either the main stories or the side stories. I finished Lord Date and Lord Yukimura.

I liked Date's story a lot more than Yukimura's. I'm thinking about doing Kojuro, Toshiie and Mitsunari once I have the 23 pearls to get the special picture stories and I'd like to know if I'll be satisfied.

CrystalAris August 22, 2016 1:19 am

Its about a village protected by the goddess "The Virgin" and everyones hair is white... okay not every one since there are a few exceptions.

Black Hair which is seen as really bad and are sinners against the virgin. and the only black hair is the sister of 'the favorite' the one who the Virgin looks upon very favorably.

Next is red hair, the only one with red hair is one of the people who directly protect 'the favored one' and just like the rest of the village/ town hates the black hair one ... expect on that special night.

The special night is when the her eyes and allows certain 'acts' for reproduction and the villagers are faithful to their 'desires' and Red actually Likes Black enough to have intercourse but once the Virgin 'Opens' her eyes everyone (but favored and Black) forgets what they did, but they HEAVILY repent which pleases the virgin.

Does anyone know what it's called? I read it on mangahere, but I'd like to save in on this site.

Please help.

CrystalAris August 18, 2016 9:35 pm

In Kimi Ni Todoke, there's the perspective of Sadako for the first chapter when he says he admires her and she doesn't know why.

I know he has his perspective, but I don't know which chapter, and I'm not talking about the misunderstanding after the test of courage, but the one before they got close.

Any help is appreciated.

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