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jame_sy's experience ( All 0 )

jame_sy's answer ( All 5 )

this is not aggressive at all. infact, i'm pretty sure you voiced what most of the lgbtq+ community thinks about fujoshis. honestly, i feel like gay relationships get fetishized and glorified and it's so weird. i wish that lgbtq+ relationships and straight relationships were just treated the same. i dislike when straight girls talk about how str......   reply
23 06,2020
i had a kind of similar problem. came out as bi, then i started wondering if i was straight, then started wondering if i was lesbian, and then i just sat myself down for a bit and thought 'does it really matter to me?? do i care??' like tbh i don't really care about whatever the fuck the person is. if they're interesting, i'll like them. so i ident......   2 reply
09 06,2020
imo it depends on the character. there are some where i expect there to be pubic hair and some where not having any makes more sense. not exactly sure how to explain it but it's a yay from me.   reply
08 05,2020
the advocate or INFJ-T. this is vv accurate for me :-) i like authenticity, am very v e r y reserved, am a perfectionist, always need a cause, and like the website says "a closed book and a speed reader". i tend to be able to place someone before they can place me... which i sometimes worry makes me seem like a creep lol   reply
01 05,2020
01 05,2020
heyy bts fan here :D a few months ago i was realllyy into kpop but the fandom is too toxic for me to handle. you have one part of the fandom telling you to stop stanning bts and the other shoving 'stream bwl' down your throat and i just couldn't handle it. i stay away from voting and voting season because that's when it gets way out of control. i s......   2 reply
01 05,2020

jame_sy's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did touched grass

I'm one w the nature

41 minutes
did chat about anything

i genuinely talk tm both irl&online since i was younger like i js dont stfu for example i’ve answered sm of these thingies for wat…

3 hours
did embarrass yourself

i was playing karaoke game n got the words wrong after loudly announcing ‘i love this song’ like 2 seconds before..still sang th rest tho :D

3 hours