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VirotiNeis792's feed

VirotiNeis792 created a topic of Formless

We are gathered here today to remember our dear Heewon. In honor of his sacrifice all horny for red flags should halt for half a day as us Mango users mourns his imminent beatup.

Hehe merely half day? People say that Kangwoo's favorite are blood and tears, but even speaking as a red flag enjoyer, that sounds a little unconscionable.

Heewon's imminent beatup will happen sooner or later, but you heartless red flag enjoyers, always with a convenient excuse to remain in the comfort of your mother's basement, you couldn't hope to understand, so why don't you keep your mouth shut! We dont want to make the Heewon fans cry.

Hey cmon now, even i dont think this is the right time or place for a fight.

Uttery risible!

Though his wanting of freedom to drink led to his eventual demise, Heewon's dumb fuckin ahh sacrifice is a great pity, his loss shall not hinder red flag enjoyers.