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VirotiNeis792 created a topic of My Secret Stalker

Stalking with consent is certainly a genre thats going to grow on me .....

VirotiNeis792 created a topic of Dear Benjamin

It just shows how large the following still on this manhwa, ughhh it really couldve been so much more, fuck the artist istg

VirotiNeis792 created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Why is it that, when i decide to read an ongoing release, it always ends at the beginning of the best part, like SHOW ME TAEGUN BEING WRECKED UGHHHH

VirotiNeis792 answered question about question
Played with a toy tractor on the dirt and the digging tool is missing to i used my hands, mom suddenly called its time to eat, i saw a bowl with food on it, i ate it with the dirt still on my hands, turns out it was my brother's food, it was soup, the color is brown, he didnt notice so he drank it, then he saw my hands, and the messy drops of soup ......
VirotiNeis792 created a topic of Jinx

All those 50+ chapters, and for what

VirotiNeis792 created a topic of Believe My Sign

This deserves to be in the front page 24/7 instead of that jinx thing hogging all the attention

VirotiNeis792 created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Looks like someone put a warm filter on the art, not that it looks bad but its a huge difference compared to the previous chapters imo

VirotiNeis792 created a topic of Beyond Memories

"Who did this to you" gotta be one of my favorite-st story trope ever, cuz i know shts about to get downnnnn

VirotiNeis792 created a topic of Honey? Beast!

This is one of the rare moments where i wanna unalive the 2nd couple just so i can get more of the 1st one. I wasnt satisfied at all, KYLEN AND REI>>>>>>>>

VirotiNeis792 created a topic of Double Trap

Why does the artist draw assholes like pussies, i cant

VirotiNeis792 created a topic of Ghost Window

Of i feel like hyung will transform to Hoyeon, and do something to Moonsung, then Moonsung will reject the fake Hoyeon, saying he doesnt have the light thingy on his chest,..... im just blabbing bye hyung is so fine omg

Who let the uke cook damn, btch is wild and horny, he even wants to add another seme, the other tops are obv red flags too, but the uke is unexpected

VirotiNeis792 created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

No matter how hot a guy is, if its the first time im meeting them he shouldnt really get close like cuz i'll get uncomfo- *oohlala enters* HE CAN GET CLOSE TO ME ANYTIME

VirotiNeis792 created a topic of Nerd Project

I have this uncontrollable urge to k*ll a fictional character, he could dropdead for all i care and nothing of value will be lost to the story watsoever

Poor tan guy, oh welp thats just the kind of manhwa this is

My pookie is here. Cmon Cedric get yooo mannnnn

VirotiNeis792 created a topic of Salvation Spirit

Ok i'll be blunt, he's fucking hotter than the 1st ML, ... ive never foamed so fast, sprinted so fast, switched so fast when seeing a 2nd lead ... DADD- i mean, pls be the endgame DADD- i mean respectable gentleman

Can someone recommend me smth like this, like pure unhinged drawn 3some smut, but yaoi?

VirotiNeis792 created a topic of Beyond Memories

How tf do people read gay porn and get surprised or even disgusted when greeted by a non-shiny dick ... like ...