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chimmy created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

He's irl jistar now huh LOL

chimmy created a topic of Be My Bottom

the end of ch2 made me audibly laugh lmfaooo

chimmy created a topic of Vampire's Disgusting Feast

this is cute! i expected something dark but this is kinda wholesome

chimmy created a topic of Eleceed

I love how everyone just collectively agrees she might not be an enemy but a tsundere smth LMAO

chimmy created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

I really wonder, is this some kind of medical condition or is he just stupid. I know some people have a hard time managing or feeling their emotions but this is way bizarre

chimmy created a topic of Camping

YESSS THEY CONTINUED THE SWIIITCH I really thought it was gonna be an april fools

chimmy created a topic of Waterside Night
chimmy created a topic of Musunde Aite

it's hi, hello, anal fisting... you know, normal stuff

chimmy created a topic of Staring Holes into You

Honestly wish Woowon would just beat the shit out of those 2 lol. Ik he's not that kinda person but Imma throw these hands for him

chimmy created a topic of Eleceed
chimmy created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I already read the raws do WHY AM I STILL SO AFFECTED DJKDHDKDHD i love them

chimmy created a topic of Pet Keiyaku

Re-reading Zariya after many years and it's still ヾ(☆▽☆)

chimmy created a topic of Eleceed
chimmy created a topic of Kimi e Musubu Happy End

Reading this was so complicated in the feels. It's like ↑↓↑↓↑↓↑ with the plot twists lmao

The way this is written and executed really still amazes me every update ... man, it's so good