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Jiminbra created a topic of Do you have carrots

….wtf is up with this story i’m so lost but not??

Jiminbra created a topic of 2020

mop head is the new ahjuicy
but please tell me they’re not human trafficking?!!??! please dear god have a good explanation for the creepy bucket and basement

Jiminbra created a topic of Gig of the Day

this series is honestly so fucking funny and i don’t even care; the ML is obviously a douchebag but the reactions are top tier comedy

Jiminbra created a topic of Secretary to Stage

okay first of all… i love that people are calling gang hyung a babygirl bc it’s so true
i really want doyoon to find out what happened to gang hyung and kick some ASS like the fiery bitch he is
this poor babygirl needs a hero to protect him

Jiminbra created a topic of Life Senjou no Bokura

10th time reading this, still SOBBING every. damn. time. what a masterpiece in emotion

Jiminbra created a topic of Yona and Chang-il

GROSS GROSS GROSS HES SO GROSS also what kind of delulu world is this old bag of shit living in? who the fuck would want your wrinkly ass? he’s got YONA, the sexy puppy servant at his every command
his rape-rationale mindset is showing

Jiminbra created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

i’m going to be that asshole: i do miss the first season art :(

Jiminbra created a topic of Can't Think Straight

pervy garam you better not take your decision back and use being sick as an excuse
our man is laying it bare bones now so don’t throw him away, he was a dirty dish towel that went through the wash and is pristine just for you

Jiminbra created a topic of Afterglow

GAAAWWDDD the art is so spectacular, the story could be complete shit and i’d still think it’s a work of genius

stop being so stupidly stubborn and just date him already... he’ll be your domesticated consensual writing fodder.
but we all know the MC will break things off, FINALLY figure out he likes him, and then seduce his dick off

Jiminbra created a topic of Slammer Dogs

this story is so unhinged and i LOVE IT
i may have said “d’awwww” during the threesome scene bc it’s so fluffy in like a weird way??? all three deserve to be happy together??

Jiminbra created a topic of My Suha

yay enough with the toxic rapey depressing AF dohyek story! i am living for the main couple
but i do think the author should end it and start a new series lmao how much more filler can you make

Jiminbra created a topic of Jinx

wow this author isn’t pulling their punches on creating the worst semes possible are they
he deserves his dick to rot off too tbh

Jiminbra created a topic of Yubisaki to Renren


Jiminbra created a topic of Monday'saviour

excuse me sir he said he wanted to date you, and you said no, but now you’re pissed bc he wants to distance himself for being in love with you???
the ML needs to get his shit together. he’s so possessive but doesn’t want to commit the MC needs to leave(even though the ML would probably lock him up if he tried lmao). i’m not a fan of this guy he’s annoying and mean and JUST DATE HIMMMM

Jiminbra created a topic of Utsukushii Karada

honestly, fuck that translator for shitting on this great work of art. if you don’t like the story then do us all a favor and DONT TRANSLATE ANYMORE??? how dare you remark on a wonderful and gorgeous story, like we give a fuck about your pathetic opinions?

Jiminbra created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

i definitely sobbed during this chapter, what heartbreak

Jiminbra created a topic of Waterside Night

holy shit that scene fucking jump scared me

Jiminbra created a topic of Afterglow

i need about 50 more series with this artist injected straight into my bloodstream please

Jiminbra created a topic of On To You

kinda love this story? the seme is such a goof i can’t help but love him